Category: Internet

Be Forever 4chan

So it wasn’t as bad as I had thought. Thanks to colombianon over here, I was able to view most of the 4chan threads I’ve been rambling on about like a madman for the past couple of days. Turns out someone isn’t pretending to be me. What happens is...

Comic Site Rant: It’s gonna rain tonight

Original Post “no author is stupid enough to talk about their own comic on 4chan, except dan kim” And indeed, I am not that stupid. Hell, I don’t even post on 4chan. Clearly someone is running around in my skin. Context would help, I suppose. Rewind to about a...

just so you know

I think there’s a guy pretending to be me in /a/. Just so you know, that’s not me. Will elaborate more come comic-rant. i think these drawings are maybe kind of ok maybe i dunno...

lol internet

When I get bored between episodes of obscure anime, I google my name to see if anyone has said funny things about me. I usually come out with nothing, but just now I found this. Apparently it came from /a/ “>>8987598 >>8987530 >>8987458 Fuck off wildarmsheero … Oh by...


I only really post on one forum these days, but every now and again I complete a piece of work that looks kind of ok and decide to post it on various other forums that I have posted on in the past. Back in the far off year of...

Final word on this stuff

The little spot of dorama I created about a fortnight ago still hasn’t subsided. A few days ago the fine userbase of FANDOM WANK, a site which I had never heard of (since they’re not super cool enough for me to notice them) found my little internet slap-fight with...

Thank you referral log

Welcome to two weeks ago. Why the hell write about this, and why now, two fucking weeks after the fact? Two weeks is like 10 years old in internet time, and we all know nothing on the internet is allowed to be OLD. The article is kind of amusing...

:mad: pt III Be Forever, Internet Dorama

In this final installment of my epic and experimental :mad: saga (with an anime adapation directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, animated by SHAFT coming next summer) I will clear up some misconceptions that have been floating around (mostly in Mr. Mirage’s hive of scum and villainy (note: not nearly as...

:mad: intermission ALSO sexy preview footage of :mad: 3

Sexy intermission music, by the house’s very own Isao Sasaki. Give him a clap, will you?! I expressed distinct displeasure over getting level headed, somewhat well thought out responses to my epic fits of madness. However, times are changing with the comments left by Ashley (a crazy and angry...