MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 21– The Great Comic Market: Day 3
Download [audio:] At Comiket Day 3 Nippon Banzai levels get shot into overdrive and manifest in completely bias incoherent ramblings in line. At Comiket Day 4, fatigue levels get shot into overdrive and manifest in simple incoherent ramblings. But it’s like that guy said, it’s all about catching that...
MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 20– The Great Comic Market: Day 1
Download [audio:] Once upon a time, there was a Comic Market. Unlike the previous 75 Comic Markets before it, this one was a little different: I was in attendance. This is the first half of a two-part series that covers my adventures–as well as the adventures of those with...
Many Men, In Line For Porn, At Dawn
Just taking a little shot I took at C76 and making it look cooler. I still want to do some write-ups on both Comic Market and Wonder Festival, along with perhaps another piece on my time in Japan. There are however a million other real blog posts I want...
MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 17– wah goes on like an idiot while lastarial laughs about WONDER FESTIVAL ’09
Download [audio:] Wonder Festival may be long over, but our Beauty Memories live on… in the form of a podcast! The content of this show is true to the title for the first 10 or so minutes (believe it or not, there was even more of just me talking...
The Great Tokyo Figure Show
In order to convey the greatness of figures to more, let’s say, “normal” people, our buddy Danny Choo decided to hold (past tense, I believe it’s over) a figure display in hipster-haven Harajuku in an attempt to fulfill this goal. That was the Tokyo Figure Show. Near the end...
The Great Kappa Art Exhibit
There won’t be much here, but I just thought I’d mention that I did attend the opening reception for what is apparently an annual Kappa-themed art exhibit held in Ikebukuro. I forgot my camera, so there’s no pictures, but other people have taken care of that. It goes without...
MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 16– Damn good to see you again, planet earth…
Download [audio:] On July the 7th, 2009, omo, a mysterious man known only as “Alex”, and myself attended the once-in-a-century concert “Super Dimensional Tanabata Sonic” put on by Kanno Yoko and the Seatbelts. However, the podcast that was produced is mostly about the new Eva movie, and really unfocused...
Comic Update: Kali Ma Will Live Forever
Original Post In addition to spawning a blog post that is entirely too long, this whole Endless Eight business has also done well to create two comics, one which you see before you, and another of which is in the pipeline for next week. Yeah, I know I said...