Month: September 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Bakemonogatari web episode news

Remember how back when Bakemonogatari was announced, there was news that the show was too long for its TV broadcast, and the remaining three episodes of the fifteen episode series had to be streamed online? Well, I just got some SUPER SECRET INFO from my industry contact in Japan,...

Mikuru-chan makes me hard as a rock

GODS, WHY MUST YOU FORSAKE ME!? NYANTYPE!!! Why do you put THIS issue out just after I’ve left Japan?! Ok, the Nagato poster in the issue I actually bought was neat and all, but she’s not really my favourite, you know? Ugh. I guess I can find this used...

This modern anime, man

Ok guys, an NYAF report will come soon, with podcasts coming in like… probably a month or so, but for now I need to talk about something of an issue that’s often brought up in my neck of the internet, and was brought up while I was behind the...

what is going on

How am I going to find time to read all these books in between sitting around and doing nothing, humping hug pillows and having delusions of grandeur about running a Shinbo panel at Anime Boston?...

Comic Update: Not Illegal. Maybe.

Original Post “It was said that on that day, one could hear the pained moans of a white man all through Akiba…” “This was later dubbed as ‘The Moaning Phantom Gaijin of AKB’.” I was going to end the comic like that, but in the end it clogged things...

Mistakes of Youth@New York Anime Festival ’09

Badass Gundam illustration by Naochika Morishita, because Gundam is always relevant. Also taken from a flagrantly ILLEGAL scan of his book. I’ll buy it one day! As per the title, Mistakes of Youth will be going to The Anime Con, with the anime con in this case being New...