Comic Update: Not Illegal. Maybe.
“It was said that on that day, one could hear the pained moans of a white man all through Akiba…”
“This was later dubbed as ‘The Moaning Phantom Gaijin of AKB’.”
I was going to end the comic like that, but in the end it clogged things up too much, so I got rid of it. You can see that version here and see how it flows for yourself. The store pictured in this comic is based upon a real one that I went into with a man who shall remain nameless. They do actually have live events where the models come in and pose, but I’m not sure if they do so in bikinis. Either way, lots of scary sites were perused to acquire the sampled images in this comic, but I’m willing to sacrifice it all in the name of ART.
The more astute of you will notice that this comic is being posted somewhat early. The reason for this being is that I will be at the New York City Anime Festival this weekend, and as such will probably not have time to put up the comic. So you’re getting it early! Freak out!
Freak out!
Edit: I just realized this entry was still set as “Private”…oops.
First comment! Pressing F5 every few hours has finally paid off… (Creepy grin)
It’s always the one person who doesn’t deserve loli who ends up in the middle of loli-fest. I should know; I’ve been there before (or rather, not been there).
Going to Japan. BRB.
I actually think that the version with the extra speech bubbles kinda added something to the comic. But only the first one, the second box could’ve stayed out.
Yeah, even with my loli-love, that store scares me mang.
I said it already, but that loli is really cute; draw moar!
Also, that place does seem dangerous. I mean,
I wonder if no one’s commenting on this comic because it approaches new and uncharted levels of creepiness for Mistakes of Youth.
Hilarious. Love the Brad jokes. Maybe I’ll see you at NYAF. I’ll keep an eye out for the strike witches cap. Today I’ll be wearin a black zeon polo shirt.
Awesome, I LOL-ed. I’d have to say that the art’s pretty good and works well with the humor. Brad and lolis are always relevant to us and funny.
The best stuff is always kept out of sight to prevent cheapening by the ‘general public’. That fact hasn’t changed too much.
Now to find access to one… A password spoken at a locked door? A button behind a poster?
Wait, what do you mean ‘daily invitation leaflets’? Oh, right…
a,sdga;ldgjkasd;h they dragged me away when I was talking to you! Hopefully I’ll meet up with ya and finish the conversation sometime later this weekend, but there really didn’t seem to be too much more to talk about, lol.
I now know from personal experience that those Hen Da Ne guys are pretty cool, too, hah. I’m gonna cross my fingers that their new shipments contain the PC DVD Fate/Stay Night for me to purchase :)
Hope you have fun at the rest of NYAF.
Kaiji, you finally do somehting that catters to my taste :P
Poor Brad. He may be far, far away from Rets, but that doesn’t mean he’s safe!
I love it when you have lolis in your comics.
I have one more reason to go to one of go to japan.
Hrrrrgg… yep. I’ve definitely been in that store. Best part was that I walked in by accident… thats what I get for wandering around Akiba without paying attention to the abundant “+18” signs. The most awkward part is figuring out the protocol for exiting a store of that nature… seriously, I felt so confused – then I realized that everyone else in the store did not care that I was even there, so I just left. Score one for confused gaijin.