Month: December 2008

ef – a tale of whatever, man

The other show I finished yesterday was ef – a tale of melodies. Ugh. ef – a tale of memories, the series that precedes melodies, was all around okay, and ended rather strongly. I was primarily interested in it because it was the first eroge adaptation Shaft had done...

MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 11– Seiya’s House PART II

Download [audio:] More of my time at Seiya’s house. I changed the recording setting in this one because I thought it’d make things sound better, but they actually sound worse, so I apologize in advance for the terrible audio quality. The content is pretty good though, especially Seiya’s Gainax...

I am torrenting ALL OF FIRST GUNDAM

Those with a keen eye on the ever flowing stream of pirated anime may notice that a curious torrent has appeared. It is a most sadistic little collection of files, containing the first thirty-nine episodes of the original 1979 Mobile Suit Gundam series. Where are the last four episodes,...

Adventures with my first portable music player

My awesome parents got me a neat 8GB Insignia Pilot mp3 player for Christmas, and the thing’s working great. I’ve never had the pleasure of walking around with music blaring in my ears, and now that I have I can understand why I always run into so many detached...

The Grand Battle Of December 25th 20XX: War Spoils (The Haul ’08)

Pictured: Gurren Lagann PART I w/ box and core drill Reading lamp Zero no Tsukaima Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Toki Wo Kakeru Shoujo SE Insignia MP3 player Yokai Attack! (review copy) Black Lagoon s2 vol 1 SE Karin vol 4 Not Pictured 190 US dollars in COLD HARD CASH...


Original Post I really wanted this bad boy to go up on Saturday, but I just couldn’t swing it. See, I was busy working on the comic project that my friend commissioned me to do, and I was hell bent on getting it out before Christmas. I’ve since finished...

Sometimes I fail to understand certain otaku

Before I get underway, I’d like to note that I have very little idea as to what I’m talking about. My contact with Real Japanese Otaku is limited only to this one guy I talked to when I was 13, and this random girl on Mixi who is more...