Art: Hazuki and Arte
Click for a bigger version. This is a parody/homage/ripoff of Pizzicato Five’s Kanashii Uta/Triste video. I like Tsukuyomi, and I like the vibe of this video, so I decided to mix them up for some reason that I have long forgotten, since I was planning this out… months ago?...
Art: Hazuki (R-18)
Yes, my sweet. Yes, my sweetest. I wanna get back Where you were.
Now to make a post that’ll get no comments at all. Thank God for that, huh! There’s a new Nadesico pachinker game that opened up in Akiba, and as such there’s been something of a Nadesico advertising blitz going around. Last time I was there with Nocturnesb there was...
Art: Hazuki + Moon 2 and 3 (kind of NSFW)
Art: Hazuki on the Moon 1
welcome home sakura-tan
Newly acquired Sakura-tan wallscroll was stolengiven to me kindly by Seiya when I raided his house. It took me about five or so hours on and off, but I’m finally done unpacking. Tomorrow is Poster Day. Thinking of putting up more big posters, leaving slightly less room for smaller...
Art Site Update: Hazuki, Popsicle
Hahzookee with ice, take two
Fixed the face. Hopefully I won’t screw up cleaning it up!...
WIP: Haduki, with popsicle
I like where this is going, but I need to fix up some things. I’ll do that tomorrow between copying down every kanji I know 50 times, reviewing Japanese grammar and looking up various bits of vocab....
Suddenly I feel like talking about direction in Japanese cartoons (Part 1: Shot Composition)
I’m not a real filmmaker like some of my friends are, nor have I studied film in any great detail. I have however seen Casablanca, and I know what both a pan and a tilt are, so I figure I’ll talk about filmish things in the context of Japanese...