Careful wah, some guy in Australia just got arrested for Simpson porn. Who knows what they’ll do to you if they find out you have naked-esque Hazuki pictures.
mostly looks nice but I think there’s something wrong with the panties, it kind of looks like her crotch is too long.
wow, really hot and sexy, but still has the sweet look, good job ;)
about the comment about her crotch, I think it look that way not because its bad drawed, but its more because her legs are slim. (and they are a lil bit more separated from the way they shoudl be, but you only notice that if you pay too much attention to that area… ow now I see why i did noticed it XD)
If you pay attention to the way the legs of a real life girl of that age looks like, you’ll realize they are almost always that slim (btw, I just hate when people draw girls of that age putting them super big boobs or fully developed curves, legs, etc.
That people should go out and start to see real females before start drawing)
These nipples are staring at me. That creeps me out.
Careful wah, some guy in Australia just got arrested for Simpson porn. Who knows what they’ll do to you if they find out you have naked-esque Hazuki pictures.
Good thing I don’t live in Australia, huh.
Not bad. Nipples seem big for her size (that’s just me).
Those nipples look like they’re about to fire some minovsky particles.
mostly looks nice but I think there’s something wrong with the panties, it kind of looks like her crotch is too long.
wow, really hot and sexy, but still has the sweet look, good job ;)
about the comment about her crotch, I think it look that way not because its bad drawed, but its more because her legs are slim. (and they are a lil bit more separated from the way they shoudl be, but you only notice that if you pay too much attention to that area… ow now I see why i did noticed it XD)
If you pay attention to the way the legs of a real life girl of that age looks like, you’ll realize they are almost always that slim (btw, I just hate when people draw girls of that age putting them super big boobs or fully developed curves, legs, etc.
That people should go out and start to see real females before start drawing)
These nipples are staring at me. That creeps me out.