Otakon 2010 AFTER DARK (R-18)
Posted On August 9, 2010
Here are some photos I probably shouldn’t upload to the Flickr.
Gerald’s History of Hentai panel. It was pretty cool!
Pictures from some random vendor. Had some classic stuff.
Report and comic should be up soon! I’ve just about forgotten the con, so I better get them words down quickly!
And here I thought those “After Dark” panels are lame… I need to broaden my horizon. I’m pretty sure you can upload anything on Flickr as long as you tag it adult… or something I dunno, I hardly use it.
You can, but I want people to view all of my photos without having to login.
How the hell does Shoujo Tsubaki (midori) have anything to do with hentai? Seriously? Someone jerking off to eyeball licking or to the kid getting raped by carnival freaks?