Posted On November 10, 2009
I’m going to pretend this dinner was made by Kaede and it was actually very delicious and not crappy.
She for some reason went from one state of undress to another when I brought the cake out, don’t know why.
I think I will keep a record of the birthdays of all my favourite characters then eat cake with them to make this blog even more kimoota.
Absolutely brilliant.
Seems to me that she was looking for a kiss w/ that second pic. Perhaps cake… puts her in a different mood.
(Also now I must apologise to Kaede for missing her birthday yesterday I am such a horrible person *angst angst*)
I hope you gave her some birthday head ;)
im 12 years old and what is this
Are you that motherfucker who sends me all that spam mail?
You’ll never get my bank information!
that’s going to be a lot of cake…
[mode=Kanako] Cute brassière.. *nosebleed* [/mode]
You sir, are a credit to humanity and I salute you. ;)
I can’t see your dinner, and it looks like you’re drinking chalk water. But that dessert looks marvelous. I love a good rum-soaked tiramisu.
Hi I’ve just recently discovered Shuffle and am now obsessed. Keep up the great posts and pix xoxo
where did you get that cover?
must have it
Yahoo Auctions :V
omfg, so fcking hard 2 find.
been searching over the web for 2 weeks, no result :S
wow you’re so creative with using kaede to make your meal look and taste delicious. I salute you! Nya~
wow you’re so creative with using kaede to make your meal look and taste delicious. Im impressed! Nya~