Month: June 2009

Comic Update: キラリフタリ

Original Post Oops, I forgot to update on time again. No matter, as it’s here now. I don’t have much to say here except for that the eyes turned out weird, but other than that I’m kind of happy with how this turned out. I’ll do real rants again...

Danny Choo’s swanky blogger party: CGM Night 5

I can’t keep it a secret for any longer. Those who have a keen eye kept on my Flickr feed, or those who have the unfortunate knowledge as to what my face looks like and have seen it in photos taken by others will know that yes, I did...


While I’ve done the odd event report and some bits of poor Gonzo journalism, during my–at this point–two and half months in japan, I’ve yet to lay down any solid opinions about this place on my–sadly neglected, as of late–weblog. I plan to change this now. Not the sadly...

Comic Update: Not going to talk much today, either w

Original Post This is probably the most photo-sourced thing I’ve done–the first panel is a trace over a photo, the last panel’s background is a blurred photo, and I used a photo of myself in Brad’s pose in the last panel to help me draw said pose. It’s fine,...

Comic Update: They found me. I don’t know how, but they found me.

Original Post As you can tell from the date, this was meant to go up yesterday, but it’s been a little busy here at MoY HQ. I’m in the middle of some midterms (ending tomorrow) and I’m currently staking out on Yahoo Auctions for something Very Special. But here...

Comic Update: Space Patrol Sigma

Original Post Extra punchline: Rets: I must also check to see if they’re wearing panties or not! Tina: That is a crime. But seriously, what’s with those skirts? I’ve seen some that short in the wild before, but never on high schoolers. What’s even more confounding is that they...

Nine years closer to death

I’m 21, which makes me nine years closer to death according to Daryl Surat’s “30 is the otaku expiration date” theory. I went out a with buddy to Akiba. We hit up Mandarake and Coscha. Apparently it was sukumizu day. Again. When I came in I was like “wow,...

June 2009

Asura Cryin’: The entertaining part has kind of gone away and now it’s just bad. If this episode I have sitting here doesn’t blow my mind I’ll drop it, even if I am past the point of no return. Dragon Ball Kai: I guess I should feel embarrassed about...