Month: September 2010

High School of the Dead did exactly what I wanted it to do

Alrighty, let’s not delude ourselves into thinking that an anime called THE HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD is high art or anything, but you have to admit it was pretty alright. If there’s one thing Madhouse can do well, it’s really straightforward, well produced, and over-the-top mainstream productions that...

VISUALIZED: Bakemonogatari 15 (PART I: Lighting and Setting)

It’s been a long time coming, but those 20 guys at SHAFT finally got their stuff together and managed to get that last episode of Tsubasa Cat onto store shelves. Having recently *ahem* acquired my own copy (I plan to buy all the BRDs eventually, okay?) along with writing...

Song Translation: Jigoku Sensei by Soutaisei Riron

Or, Hell Teacher by The Theory of Relativity. So yeah, I thought I’d try my hand at some song translation. Song translation is probably not the best place to stretch one’s amateur Japanese skills, but a quick Google search and some assumptions on my part lead me to believe...

A-KO just keeps going, then stops

Being that I am now living in New York for an unspecified period of time for an unspecified reason, I get to hang out with a bunch of the cool dudes I speak to on the internet who happen to live here. One of these cool dudes is Seiya,...

Lupin Forever

In the dark ages of this blog, there were entries that extolled the virtues of Lupin III. This makes perfect since, since it was roughly four or five years ago when I was taking in most of the Lupin I’ve ever seen in my life. These days, I haven’t...

Enjoying the simple things

If there is one oft-repeated complaint made by anime fans that drives me up the wall it’s, “This has no plot.” I can appreciate this complaint if it’s leveled at a show that sets up some kind of plot, then does nothing with it; instead opting to send the...

Comic Update: The Funkiest Band In The World

Original Post After having something of a love-hate relationship with how this comic looks, I’ve come the conclusion that I am not unhappy with it, but as usual, it could stand to be better. I’m pretty happy with how Tina’s twintails turned out, and not unhappy with how the...

Cheapness in anime once again (I’ve talked about this before)

The story thus far: Cheap anime can be impressive The cheapness of the SHAFT aesthetic Alright guys, there’s a thing on ANN where established internet personality Erin Finnegan writes about Japanese animation. These writings are usually followed by a bunch of forum responses, and those are usually complaints about...