Month: April 2009

Comic Update: so crazy japanese comics

Original Post It certainly has been a while since I’ve done one of these! Before I address this current comic, I’ll go back a bit and leave some commentary on the previous one. The artwork turned out ok, but nothing great. I’m trying to develop a way to draw...

Mistakes of Youth on ye olde Internet Relay Chat

Channel: #mistakesofyouth Server: I hate to also do a WHY I’M NOT POSTING post, but I feel I should, since I really want to post, but I still haven’t found a good way to organize my time over here. Sorry!...

Comic Update: 日本語でおk!

Original Post Uhhhhh…. In no mood to rant, really. It’s been pretty crazy over these past couple of weeks. If you want some kind of insight into my time in Japan check up on the blog....

Comics Society Hanami

Guy: Yeah, I like Nanoha. Fate is my favourite character. Me: Oh, I have a friend who really likes Fate as well. Guy: She’s really cute. I… bought her dakimakura. Me: You like dakimakura too?? Guy: You like them??? NAKAMA!! We then shook hands....

Morning after

I was young. I was naive. She took advantage of me. I woke up dazed and confused. She was laying down next to me. In her hand was 30000 yen. 30000 yen that was once in my wallet. I didn’t talk to her for a day after that, but...

The Hunt For Sophia Manken

Freshman week. Lots of people. Can’t see a thing. Crowded. This scene is right out of Genshiken. None of these clubs look interesting. I’m searching desperately the one. I turn right and see… The Strongest Fairy. This can be no other club but… The Sophia University Comics Society!!...

Demon City Akihabara

Akihabara is not a paradise. It is not a wonderland. It is not heaven. Akihabara is rape. Even now, the events that transpired between 13:00 and 20:00 are fuzzy at best. At some point I bought a bunch of shit, and at another point I noticed I was down...

Evening Stroll

My head hurts. Ever since I’ve gotten to Japan, the misguided and borderline retarded cries of English language anime fandom have driven me crazy. I need to let off some steam. In an attempt to clear my head, I take a walk. Even though I’ve been in Japan for...