Fall 2010 Anime PART II
MM! I’m not going to lie: I think MM!’s opening episode is entertaining. It has some good laughs, and isn’t boring. But at the same time, I absolutely cannot watch any more. Given the show’s premise, all aspects of it are far too tsun tsun for my tastes. But...
Comic Update: Spellbound
Original Post Just got back from NYCC (with a side of NYAF.) Pretty tired. That’s all I got....
NYAF Tomorrow!
I suppose I’m pretty late, but whatever. I’m going to be at NYAF/NYCC tomorrow doing not much of anything along with shoving a mic down people’s throats for potential podcast material. I’ll be wearing the Strike Witches hat, as usual, so if you see me say hello. I’ll be...
Fall 2010 Anime PART I
Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt Panty & Stocking isn’t doing anything half-way: It’s nailed that late-90s Cartoon Network aesthetic perfectly, the levels of crudeness are consistently high, and the energy never lets up. Between the Dexter’s Laboratory-esque title cards and a very Japanese-looking transformation sequence, Panty & Stocking encapsulates...
Kirumin was 50 episodes long (spoilers within)
Jeeze, Kirumin actually ran for 50 episodes! To be honest, I was expecting it to run a bit beyond that. I mean, we made it all the way to episode 40, and the girls had only just changed into their summer outfits. Their fall and winter outfits were cute,...
Comic Update: 気になるあの娘
Original Post Alright, give me a break–up until drawing this comic, I had more or less not drawn for three weeks. It’s tough getting used to a new schedule and a new city, so I haven’t really had time to sit down and doodle. As such, any progress I...
High School of the Dead did exactly what I wanted it to do
Alrighty, let’s not delude ourselves into thinking that an anime called THE HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD is high art or anything, but you have to admit it was pretty alright. If there’s one thing Madhouse can do well, it’s really straightforward, well produced, and over-the-top mainstream productions that...
VISUALIZED: Bakemonogatari 15 (PART I: Lighting and Setting)
It’s been a long time coming, but those 20 guys at SHAFT finally got their stuff together and managed to get that last episode of Tsubasa Cat onto store shelves. Having recently *ahem* acquired my own copy (I plan to buy all the BRDs eventually, okay?) along with writing...
Song Translation: Jigoku Sensei by Soutaisei Riron
Or, Hell Teacher by The Theory of Relativity. So yeah, I thought I’d try my hand at some song translation. Song translation is probably not the best place to stretch one’s amateur Japanese skills, but a quick Google search and some assumptions on my part lead me to believe...
A-KO just keeps going, then stops
Being that I am now living in New York for an unspecified period of time for an unspecified reason, I get to hang out with a bunch of the cool dudes I speak to on the internet who happen to live here. One of these cool dudes is Seiya,...