I honestly do not think she is all that cute
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai is one of those shows that’s really trying to hit it out of the park. They’re trying really hard, and I suppose it’s working, as I’m under the impression that the show is well spoken of. While I generally...
VISUALIZED: Bakemonogatari 15 (PART II: Abstraction and Expressions)
It’s been a while, but since posts don’t write themselves, I’m going look even further into Bakemonogatari episode 15! As anyone who’s watched the show will know, Bakemonogatari uses symbols, photography, typography, and alternative imagery quite often. The use of these techniques is usually for the sake of emphasis–to...
Art: Hazuki and Arte
Click for a bigger version. This is a parody/homage/ripoff of Pizzicato Five’s Kanashii Uta/Triste video. I like Tsukuyomi, and I like the vibe of this video, so I decided to mix them up for some reason that I have long forgotten, since I was planning this out… months ago?...
Comic Update: I’m a Believer
Original Post News of the Strike Witches movie prompted this comic. It got me thinking of what kind of Strike Witches movie I’d really like to see (as opposed to what will actually get made, which will probably own anyways) and my mind immediately went to Dr. Strangelove. At...
The Sound of Silence
Alright guys, it’s no surprise that things have a been bit quiet here on the home front. I hate to drop the “I’m busy” excuse, but it’s true. That said, it’s like 3:30 right now, I’m not super tired, so I’ll throw together a weak loot post on the...
Comic Update: L O V E LUCKY LOVE
Original Post I don’t really know what kind of point this comic is trying to make. Maybe it’s just to put things into perspective? I don’t know. I think it’s a little funny. This is the first time I’ve done a comic completely digitally, start to finish. As a...
Fall 2010 Anime PART IV
Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto Yeah, I know there’s already three (or four, I don’t know) episodes of this thing out already, but as of right now I’ve only managed to bring myself to watch one. For starters, what’s keeping me from watching any more of this are its...
Comic Update: The music comes alive
Original Post I don’t really know how this comic happened. Read Peepo Choo!...
Comic Update: Shiny Knight, Happy Child
Original Post Alright, this was meant to go up on Sunday, but after buying a Nintendo DS along with a copy of Pokemon Soul Silver, other things I wanted to do were just not happening. But now the shiny glow of my new game has worn off, and I...
Fall 2010 Anime PART III
Shinryaku! Ika Musume Despite having a killer opening, cute character designs, and the scene shown above, Ika Musume simply does not deliver. The humor is half-way done, and the delivery lacks punch. This really saddens me, since I was pinning this one as a series I’d enjoy, at the...