I love Akiba Blog
http://www.akibablog.net/archives/2006/11/really_really.html :3...
Works in Progress
Just some random things I’m working on at the moment. The first bunch of sketches are for next week’s comic and the rest are two bits of fanart. Warning, one of them is ero, so don’t click on unless you’re 18, or very good good at pretending to be...
Roll with the Wind
On Saturday I finally finished my short film. What’s funny about learning to make a film is the last 10%. See, because making a film is a learning project, you see every single flaw in the film. So, I had a bitch of a time trying to get the...
Huge News Bits I Neglected To Mention Because I’m Dumb
Apparently we have some hot details on the first new Eva movie. Is it just me, or does it sound like Anno’s pulling a Lucas on us…? Also, looks like Haruhi II is a Go Go Go. I guess Kadokawa was lying to Danny Choo. Then again, there’s no...
1000% SPARKING (Para Para Mix)
Original Post Been a while, hasn’t it? Well stuff happened. And I got lazy. College isn’t easy, you know! A guy needs to rest, especially after spending an entire day redoing work for a class that he’s allegedly failing in, despite getting a passing grade for each assignment. Anyway,...
Riders in the Skies
Welcome to the MoY blog! I’m really not sure how much use this’ll get, but it’s here now if I need it. Basically this blog is for me to have focused rantings on particular topics. The semi-weekly rants on the main site aren’t really focused enough for me to...