

Progress Report

Just to prove to you all that I’m not spending my entire weekend masturbating, watching anime and neglecting to prepare for finals. Comic should be up next weekend at the latest....

Hug Pillow

I just got my pillowcase. Since I don’t have a proper body pillow, I stuffed three of my extra pillows in there, and it works just fine. Yes, I’ve “tested” it already. Heh. Anyway, pics after the jump....

Ero Ero Ero

Warning: This post is going to have a good number of NSFW images. Don’t say I didn’t warn you~ So, I played Really? Really! most of yesterday, only stopping when I got my first ero-scene. Some way or another, I ended up fucking Primula first. While I had planned...

Really? Really!

My copy of Really? Really! Limited Edition came in the mail today, and I just finished installing it. I have to say I’m really happy with what the limited edition has to offer. The binder is nice, but I’m not sure I’d use it given I’d be scared to...


Because we have a Genshiken OVA trailer on our hands. Thanks, Randall....

Giant Robots

Yeah. Now let’s see if I can watch it all. That’s 92 episodes and a good number of movies right there. Yamato is next… EDIT Gave up when I saw how FUCKING TERRIBLE the subs were. God. Shame, as Mazinger Z looked like pure gold. Oh well, I’ll wait...

Pot City

Original Post Yeah, so this comic is about that kinda sorta major but not official announcement about Haruhi 2 that happened forever ago. The writing is bland as usual, so I won’t even talk about it. The Government of Darkness bit is a reference to Patrick Macias. I figure...

Art Site Update: Nayuki & Meer

Original Post Nayuki fanart added and ero Meer (NSFW) fanart added. Eventually this site will get a redesign and an ero-only section only will be made. When I have time....


I win. (nsfw) I can hear the money running out of my bank account… edit: i’m not sure if i’ve made this clear to you all, but i am in mad love with yuuko gotou. yeah...