Comic Update: Polyrhythm
Original Post This review is actually real, and you can read in its original Japanese here. As you can see from the actual post, it actually has a substantial amount of comments, but it wouldn’t be funny if I actually did that. Thanks goes out to kransom for translating...
Mitsudomoe paves a path of destruction
About a year ago, back when I was Living The Dream in Japan, a man who will remain nameless extolled the virtues of the Mitsudomoe comic to me. Considering that the comic ran in a shounen publication, it would have furigana, so my rudimentary gaijin mind would be able...
Art: Koshijima Toshiko
Toshiko again. Okay, I guess....
Comic Update: 空飛ぶ都市計画
Original Post I want to go back a bit and supply a spot of commentary for comic 196, since I didn’t really get a chance to do so. While this comic as a whole makes no attempt at any sort of underlying plot, Rets and Tina have in fact...
Chillin’ at Otakon 2010
Otakon’s been over for how many weeks? Two? Three? Four? Five? SIX?! I dunno, I haven’t been keeping count, nor do I have any concept of time. But what I do know is that this con has been over for a while, and a bunch of other cool cats...
Comic Update: Twinkle Snow Powdery Snow
Original Post Here is your Otakon report comic. It is 100% accurate! The big written report should hopefully be up by tomorrow… I already have some photos up: safe for work ones, and not safe for work ones. The next comic is all drawn up, and I’m quite happy...
Otakon 2010 AFTER DARK (R-18)
Here are some photos I probably shouldn’t upload to the Flickr....
Mistakes of YouthXAnimerca@Comiket 78
Alright you guys, since they’ve let the cat out of the bag in Japan, I can tell you guys about it here: Mistakes of Youth is returning to Comiket. Well, I won’t be there personally, but my insane writings will be! And in Japanese! Yes, Mistakes of Youth is...
The Great Anime Race
In the great tradition of blogging about anime-related dreams, I would like to share one of mine with you. Don’t worry, it isn’t sexual. It was like some kind of anime game show thing, apparently thrown together by this guy. It was like a board game, except instead of...
Spaced Out
Even if they’re late in getting the word out, Otakon always manages to deliver something interesting at the last second. In the case of Otakon 2010, that something was the US premier of Welcome to the Space Show, an original movie by those wackos who brought us Read or...