meta humour
Posted On March 26, 2008
So, today I was bored during my New Media New Markets class. While teach was spouting off nothing in particular, I was googling for things. One of the things I googled for was Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Under “images”, I came across this curious screencap. I’ve recapped it since the original had a watermark.
This is from episode 4 of the first series. Just fresh off skimming episodes of Shuffle! Memories, I noticed an interesting parallel…
I wouldn’t put it past Shaft. It’s just such a good seiyuu_joke. And subtle, too. I didn’t even notice it when watching the episode.
Or maybe I’m thinking too hard.
god SHAFT will never ease to impress me.
SHAFT + Shinbou = GOD
Stop the divagations and go watch the Kokoro OVA you, you……
Are there subs of that?
According to the internets, yes.
Could also be a coincidence since that pose is pretty cliche.
But but same seiyuu, flat colour background and silhouette.