Tag: Shuffle!


I’m going to pretend this dinner was made by Kaede and it was actually very delicious and not crappy. She for some reason went from one state of undress to another when I brought the cake out, don’t know why. I think I will keep a record of the...

Plastic Army–Japan Front

I know THE FIRST THING that’s coming to your mind is, “But wah, you already own that Kaede figure.” And to this quite understandable query, I will reply with this–that Kaede figure was the first PVC I ever got, and as such I didn’t know how to take care...

March 2009 Anime

Casshern Sins: I’m actually starting to enjoy it as it nears the end. Kind of feels pointless, though. Clannad ~After Story~: It’s kind of gotten to the point where I really don’t care, but it’s not that bad. Still very pretty. Jigoku Shoujo Mistuganae: Episodes alternate between being very...

Well, now I don’t have to buy Megami Creators 14 anymore!

If you’re new to these parts, let me fill you in: I think Fuyou Kaede is the greatest, most perfect 2D girl to ever grace my walls, computer screen, television set and bed. She’s from this mostly rad show/game/multimedia extravaganza called Shuffle!, and I really should watch the rest...


Original Post I really wanted this bad boy to go up on Saturday, but I just couldn’t swing it. See, I was busy working on the comic project that my friend commissioned me to do, and I was hell bent on getting it out before Christmas. I’ve since finished...

Sometimes I fail to understand certain otaku

Before I get underway, I’d like to note that I have very little idea as to what I’m talking about. My contact with Real Japanese Otaku is limited only to this one guy I talked to when I was 13, and this random girl on Mixi who is more...

How did I miss this

Obviously Fuyou_Kaede is one of my favourite tags on danbooru, and considering I check my favourite tags every day, I have no idea how I missed this. Yeah, yeah–it’s just a stitch from that really good episode of Shuffle! Memories. It is however a Most Dangerous stitch, and I...

I like a real girl

I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s just something oh so familiar and calming about her! (yes, I’ve been browsing http://behoimi.org/. I am ashamed. Me, of all people, succumbing to the evils of cosplay…)...