Month: October 2007

Ugh fall season first batch of scathing reviews

I wasn’t going to do this, but since every other faggot in the anime blogosphere is, I figure I will as well. I haven’t watched many first episodes of this season, mostly because a good bulk of the shows look boring/terrible/uninteresting. It seems everyone is watching and reviewing those...

lol kaiji

It’s actually like really fucking good. I need to watch more than 5 minutes of Akagi eventually....

Gurren Lagann, Darker Than Black and Zero no Tsukaima

The fall season has started, and I don’t really care. Nothing starts for me until either Genshiken 2 or Kodomo no Jikan air. So instead of looking forward, I’ll reflect on three shows which have recently ended. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann I can’t really stress how awesome this ending...

Nagi and Yoko

How are you liking those shoulders, Last? I am hard pressed to believe that pre-timejump Yoko is 14....

Server stuff again

For some reason the blog just reverted to how it was yesterday. Some posts and new comments got lost. Lets hope it remains stable from now on. Zonaxx tell me when you’re going to move servers k >:O...