VOTE FOR KAEDE PART THE SECOND (NSFW) Posted On September 4, 2007 かえたんのエロ画像キボンヌ ど。 Tags:Epic, Important, Kaede Fuyou, Shuffle! 6 Comments DrmChsr0 WAITWHUT September 4, 2007 digitalboy even if those pics are all increadibly hawt – substance over beauty! Massugu go! September 4, 2007 wildarmsheero Manabi Straight was pretty boring substance. Shuffle! is entertaining substance :D September 4, 2007 meganeshounen Well, someone could have also got that clip where Kaede attempts to sleep beside Rin in her birthday suit.. :3 September 5, 2007 nini-chan wow…so hot!! ^0^ love kaede-chan… September 7, 2007 walkman kaede…. June 6, 2009
even if those pics are all increadibly hawt – substance over beauty! Massugu go!
Manabi Straight was pretty boring substance.
Shuffle! is entertaining substance :D
Well, someone could have also got that clip where Kaede attempts to sleep beside Rin in her birthday suit.. :3
wow…so hot!! ^0^
love kaede-chan…