We’ll Meet Again: The End of Mistakes of Youth: The Blog!!
You know that opening narration in Gundam? The one about how people are born into the world, live life, then die? Well, Mistakes of Youth was born into the world on November 7th, 2006, lived life for four years, and on today, January 1st, 2011, has now died. And...
Comic Update: Happy Xmas 2010
Original Post I liked the party last year, so I figure I’d do it again. It’s easy to do, and I like drawing people in formal wear. I don’t know who puts on this spectacular Christmas party–which is apparently too good to have Christmas decorations up, save for gigantic...
Comic Update: A World Without You
Original Post Someone I know has a theory that a friend of mine is the inspiration for Tina. While this is not true, this time his words are the punchline for this comic. I find it amusing that in a culture in which all manner of otherwise innocent characters...
Art: Bakemonogatari Christmas
Click for bigger Turned out not bad! Nadeko’s face is kinda weird, I guess....
Comic Update: 不自然なガール
Original Post Maybe I’m the only one? I don’t know, I haven’t read an anime forum in a while. But I can’t be the only one who thinks Kirino really likes her brother. I mean, she’s so tsundere for him at every turn! How can she not like him?...
Art: Hachikuji
Click for bigger. I don’t really know what compelled me to do this. I may do something similar for the other characters if I have time....
Comic Update: Super Star
Original Post In retrospect, I probably should have drawn a subtle stain over all of the girls’ crotches, but alas, it is now too late. This comic was meant to come out a week after the last one, but some things happened, and I only managed to get around...
Art: Hazuki and Arte
Click for a bigger version. This is a parody/homage/ripoff of Pizzicato Five’s Kanashii Uta/Triste video. I like Tsukuyomi, and I like the vibe of this video, so I decided to mix them up for some reason that I have long forgotten, since I was planning this out… months ago?...
Comic Update: I’m a Believer
Original Post News of the Strike Witches movie prompted this comic. It got me thinking of what kind of Strike Witches movie I’d really like to see (as opposed to what will actually get made, which will probably own anyways) and my mind immediately went to Dr. Strangelove. At...
Comic Update: L O V E LUCKY LOVE
Original Post I don’t really know what kind of point this comic is trying to make. Maybe it’s just to put things into perspective? I don’t know. I think it’s a little funny. This is the first time I’ve done a comic completely digitally, start to finish. As a...