Category: Otaku

The Sound of Silence

Alright guys, it’s no surprise that things have a been bit quiet here on the home front. I hate to drop the “I’m busy” excuse, but it’s true. That said, it’s like 3:30 right now, I’m not super tired, so I’ll throw together a weak loot post on the...

Enjoying the simple things

If there is one oft-repeated complaint made by anime fans that drives me up the wall it’s, “This has no plot.” I can appreciate this complaint if it’s leveled at a show that sets up some kind of plot, then does nothing with it; instead opting to send the...

Chillin’ at Otakon 2010

Otakon’s been over for how many weeks? Two? Three? Four? Five? SIX?! I dunno, I haven’t been keeping count, nor do I have any concept of time. But what I do know is that this con has been over for a while, and a bunch of other cool cats...

Random Magazine Scans

Alrighty guys, ever since I’ve touched down in DC things have been a little quiet. I’ve been getting my shit back together, and honestly I’ve not really been in a mood to write. But in a quarter-assed attempt (not even half-assed) to get some content up on this blog,...

R-18 Doujinshi Review: Hitomaron’s Kagiana Gekijou Shoujo 4 & 5

If you know anything about me, you probably know that I really enjoy doujinshi. And considering the limited scope of my Japanese linguistic abilities, I enjoy simple doujinshi. Doujinshi that doesn’t require me actually having to read it. You know, porno books. But as the years have gone by,...

Grow up!

I dunno about you, but one thing I’m sick ‘n’ tired of is old guys complaining about things. I’m talking about those old guys who complain about young kids crowding the aisles of their anime cons. I’m talking about those old guys who complain about their anime not being...

Anime Boston was alright

Let’s get this out of the way first: I was completely let down by Anime Boston this year, but it’s more or less my fault. I seem to always forget that the previous outings at this con have been less-than-stellar, so I don’t know why I thought this time...


Okay guys, first of all–the moe debate has been beaten silly. I would ask you all to stop arguing about it on Twitter, but since I don’t follow the full complement of muppets that enjoy having the same argument week after week, it’s not really bothering me. But it’s...

MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 21– The Great Comic Market: Day 3

Download [audio:] At Comiket Day 3 Nippon Banzai levels get shot into overdrive and manifest in completely bias incoherent ramblings in line. At Comiket Day 4, fatigue levels get shot into overdrive and manifest in simple incoherent ramblings. But it’s like that guy said, it’s all about catching that...

MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 20– The Great Comic Market: Day 1

Download [audio:] Once upon a time, there was a Comic Market. Unlike the previous 75 Comic Markets before it, this one was a little different: I was in attendance. This is the first half of a two-part series that covers my adventures–as well as the adventures of those with...