Category: Japan


While going to Japan seems like fun and games, one mustn’t forget the serious aspects about traveling to another country. Especially a country like Japan, where the culture is wildly different from the culture here in the US, not to mention the sizable language barrier. I suspect the language...

GOING TO JAPAN: Serious Questions

I’ve already posed these questions to a few people, but I figure I’ll put them out in the open to get a wide variety of opinions. With my apartment paid for and my visa secured, I am 100% ready to take on glorious 日本. However, I can’t just go...


Original Post What you were going to see here was a comic about Haruhi getting a second season, but we all know how that turned out. After that, I was going to do some angry comic about how Newtype played us all for fools once again, then I realized...

Comic Site Rant: Compass Points to the Future

Original Post I felt I needed to bleed the previous comic’s punchline a bit more, so I did. As far as artwork goes, I’m playing around with styles. By that I mean, I’m messing around with how I draw girls. And by that I mean, I’m changing how I...

I have a place to live…

…in Japan! A most delightful little email came in just a few hours ago, and in it lied the details of where I will be living between April and August of this year… IN JAPAN. It’s a chill little apartment house just north of Tokyo. The rooms are fully...


Save something retarded like the acceptance letter getting lost in the mail, I’m 100% guaranteed to go to Japan in April. I’ll write more later. Maybe....

Comic Site Rant: SA☆SU☆GA☆DA

Original Post No rant today because I’m on break, but here are some quick notes. Kurogane no Linebarrels is actually enjoyable now So is To Aru Majutsu no Index Been making a fool of myself on mixi Gundam Musou is still mindless fun That’s all. Going to catch up...