Comic Update: I’m a Believer
News of the Strike Witches movie prompted this comic. It got me thinking of what kind of Strike Witches movie I’d really like to see (as opposed to what will actually get made, which will probably own anyways) and my mind immediately went to Dr. Strangelove. At first I was going to do a parody suggesting that the Strike Witches movie was going to be a Cold War thriller with strong allusions to Dr. Strangelove. Considering Strike Witches takes place in WWII, and Dr. Strangelove presumably takes place in the 1960s, I’d have to age all the girls by 20 years. But since I didn’t want to draw a 35 year old Miyafuji Yoshika, I instead opted to do the Strike Witches girls acting out scenes from Dr. Strangelove, more or less verbatim. Is it funny? Uh, I dunno, maybe. But I really like Dr. Strangelove, and I really like Strike Witches, so here you go!
When coming up with what character portrays who, I either tried to match them up according to personality, or find the polar opposite. I also took the various girls’ relationships with each other into consideration. While Miyafuji is nothing at all like the Russian prime minister, Perrine’s rivalry with Miyafuji is good setup for the fight between Turgidson and the prime minister. Gertrude isn’t that crazy, but she’s crazy enough to be Jack D. Ripper, I think. Lynette would probably have been more accurate choice for Mandrake considering her nationality, but Erica’s dynamic with Gertrude works better. Shirely as Commander Kong works, and Minna as Dr. Strangelove is pretty funny, I think. I was just going to use a screencap from the opening of the movie for the last panel, but I figured I needed Lynette in there some place, so I threw her at the last minute with a banana between her boobs.
While it’s far from perfect, I’m pretty happy with the art here. Sketching on the tablet is getting a bit easier, so I think I’ll just continue to do comics completely digitally from now on. It’ll save money on sketch pads and pencil lead, at any rate.
Oh, here’s a colored version that’s kinda neat:
That comic turned out funnier than the idea made it seem. Good job. I prefer the black and white version just because it’s closer to the source material.
Pretty beautiful, wah. Nice job.
Awesome! That was a great comic. I love the allegory! And I agree that the black &white is better in the sense that it matches the original movie better.
Once in a while you just have to ask yourself these questions. “What if Dragonball Z was also sailor moon?” is how we got nanoha. Don’t think anyone regrets that decision. Get enough people on board and maybe one day the love child of Dr Strangelove and Strike Witches will see the light of day.
Excellent. I have to say it works better in black and white though.
Very nice, you should do some more like this.
Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!
man that was gold
I don’t remember Peter Sellers being that cute.
There’s no way my Peter Sellers could be this cute.
I think you’re some kinda deviated prevert!
This may be the greatest thing you have ever created :3
The black and white one is definitely better. Color kills the joke.
I would totally watch this.
long time no updates~ kinda sad =(