Comic Site Rant: 歌ってる男/キモオタ→
Posted On August 16, 2008
This’ll be another short, bullet point post.
- Otakon Coverage is complete with this comic
- I just finished work and need to start packing up to head back to school soon.
- Going on vacation with the family, too.
- Taking a couple weeks off just to relax, so don’t expect a comic this week, and maybe even the week after. Once school starts I’ll get the ball rolling again.
- Been experimenting with different kinds of styles lately… if comics look more wildly inconsistent than usual, don’t be surprised…
- God, this backlog.
I don’t count :P
Awesome that you’re a fellow aWo fan.
fuck you retard.
last panel was L.O.L.
Tom from HenDaNe here, it was great to meet you in person. Will you be attending AnimeUSA? Chris and I will be attempting to make a Doujin pannel. I’ll email you with more details.
When I see that panel of your response to the awesomeness that was the JAM Project concert (that I didn’t go to… ;_;), my first thought was how come you didn’t do it in the “gaijin yonkoma” last panel style? I figured the concert was perpetually epic. But the panel here does work well. :3
And I wish I rocked that hard in my dreams. And you wished you looked that cool before you broke into “Catch You, Catch Me”. :P
Otakon’s my main con (and if I have time, Anime Boston.) Maybe if I had money I’d make my way down there from Boston (where I’ll be in a few days)
>>When I see that panel of your response to the awesomeness that was the JAM Project concert (that I didn’t go to… ;_;), my first thought was how come you didn’t do it in the “gaijin yonkoma” last panel style? I figured the concert was perpetually epic. But the panel here does work well. :3
I actually don’t think very deeply when planning out these con comics. I just draw the first thing that comes to mind, hence the very rough execution.
that’s weird. I thought you’d be all over comiket. talk about comiket will you.
Souther! Truly a badass among the badasses of HnK.
>>that’s weird. I thought you’d be all over comiket. talk about comiket will you.
Are you willing to fly me over there?
Woah! Someone’s on cruise control for cool…
>>Are you willing to fly me over there?
not really, but what about share? I’m sure there are many sca… doujins over there
Day 3 hasn’t even really happened yet. I’ll open up PD when the time comes…
I wish I went to the meet up, it sounds like fun. It totally slipped my mind once I got the con though…
Do it again next year please!
>>Day 3 hasn’t even really happened yet.
It’s happening ATM. However, judging that new scans of old stuff(C71 and 72, enough said) are still slowly appearing here and there the only things we’ll see this week are the works of most popular artists and people will reconsider becoming yahoo! auctions faggots to get anything relevant to their interests.
I was the only one without a Lucky Star pass lol.
Also, does anyone know if the New York Anime Festival is any good?
>I was the only one without a Lucky Star pass lol.
I had one, but I guess I don’t count for that either :3
WIldarms had one too iirc. That and his naked Kaede pass.
Wow, its pretty weird to see myself drawn into a comic. Looks good though!
Hopefully I’ll be able to make plans to go next year too. JAM Project was everything I imagined it’d be and more… too bad I couldn’t make it to the panel. Did they talk about anything interesting? Just them chatting would have been fuckawesome enough anyway.
It’s odd seeing a drawn picture of myself. I also think it’s funny that I was in the middle of that picture, like I’m important or something. lol. Especially considering I was late. :P
Sadly I couldn’t make it to the Jam Project panel either. Wish I had. I’ve only heard good things. Mostly about it being just as awesome as the concert.
I am always this pumped.
>>That and his naked Kaede pass.
Yeah, that was… something…
Did random people stop and stare at that pass? It’s definitely an attention grabber. :P
I haven’t met David Cabrera yet.
I hope when I do he’s still AWESOME.
Awesome. Very awesome. More awesome seeing you read some nice h-doujins during the industry x fansub panel.
Chris: And during the JAM Project panel.
TheBigN: That just makes it more awesome then. A shame I wasn’t there for that though.
And lol…I saw that back page article in Otaku USA (June ’08) about your collection, wildarmsheero. Not so sure it was good that there was a picture of some lolicious doujinshi on the page though. Gambler’s Club and some Konata Club54 lovin’. :<
This comic is an INACCURATE PORTRAYAL of me, sir!
I would NEVER roll up the sleeves while wearing a long sleeved shirt.
Everything else is okay though.
Oh, whoops :V
Well, I hope today’s comic is better than last weeks. Get it? GET IT?
Next comic is happening either tomorrow or the day after. I’ll try to get the one after that out quickly, too. They’re both sketched, it’s just a matter of cleaning and coloring them.
O RLY? Nice. Take your time mate.