Kyoto Animation you are DOING IT WRONG
Maybe I should elaborate more on that last post…
I have nothing against Clannad. It’s a good show! It has nice animation, good acting, decent direction and the writing isn’t totally horrible! And yes, considering the ending we got, I too felt a bit shortchanged! I do want to see the rest of the story, if only just to make sense of those few unexplained images in the opening, but– and this is a rather large but– can we please have Haruhi 2 first? I’m not even that much of a Haruhi-ist, but after Kanon and Clannad (I suppose KyoAni did take 6 months off for that Lucky Star thing…) I want some crazy SF adventures again!
I’ve noticed that Key shows are good for me in small doses. I love Air, even if it doesn’t make any sense at all; think Kanon is good solid entertainment; and even find Clannad to be an ok use of 23 minutes each week but… seriously. After a while one just grows tired of Key’s brand of writing and just wants something more off-beat and less vanilla. Sure, by Clannad Key’s writing is in its most matured state, but as a result it’s actually a little boring. Thusly, I’m growing rather pissed that KyoAni is wasting their talents on this sub-par story. That second half best be damn good stuff to make up for shit like Kyou’s EXISTENCE.
Conversely, I’ve heard reports from Haruhi novel nerds that the books skew in favour of Yuki, especially book 4 (the one suspected to be animated next.) I don’t like Yuki (but that’s another post entirely) so naturally I’m also approaching the rest of Haruhi with some degree caution, too. Instead of boring old Yuki, let’s focus on the adventures of Mikuru, guys! She’s clearly the best character! Give the girl some love!
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Japan. /me grumbles and watches Kodomo no Jikan DVD rips
I want Haruhi 2, then I will love to see KEY´S PLANETARIAN MOVIE if someday it gets animated by Kyoani. and yes, you are right….theres too much KEY sugar on that Coffee.
Honestly, Yuki and Mikuru are pretty equal in my book. Haruhi is probably one of about 3 shows in existence where THE MAIN female character is the one I actually care about. What Haruhi 2 needs more of is Haruhi herself.
That having been said, it’s worth mentioning that a brand-new season of FMP would actually make me almost as happy as actually seeing Haruhi 2 come to fruition.
Take a break from the Key games guys, variety is the spice of stuff. MORE LIGHT NOVEL ADAPTATIONS.
Yes, Haruhi Season 2 first please. I hope. I really hope.
As for Yuki… I have the Chinese Light novels, and Yuki in vol4will actually be really interesting to watch on screen imo.
Random rant: How can Drills lose to Books? The AGP leaves me in despair~
Both shows suck. We need more Full Metal Panic.
Sometimes you’re a whore, wildarms.
ZOMG wildarmsheero likes the sempai character with big boobs?
Wildarms just likes Yuko Goto too much.
I, very much agree with you on this. We need more Haruhi. Don’t they realize a second season of Haruhi would print them money?
“shit like Kyou’s EXISTENCE”
I am sooo happy you wrote that after Anime Boston rather than before, or there would have been some bloodshed there!
I LIKE Clannad, but I would prefer Haruhi first as well, yeah. It’s been too long, and I need my Tsuruya and/or Yuki fix (Yuki is AWESOME dammit).
Also, a Kyon-ko cameo. Has something like that ever happened because of fan response? Because I think my biggest wish right now would be to see an official canon appearance of Kyon-ko in some piece of Haruhi media, one way or another.
Jobrill, already it’s been done. We didn’t realise it at the time, of course, but Kyoani beat the gender-bender crowd by nearly a year. Does the face of the girl at the beginning of Lone Island Syndrome I look familiar to you?
…Oh man. I think you’re right. Heh.
Oh, and have you heard of this:
The wallet raping continues.
Im on the “lets do FMP S4 first” bus too, although Haruhi S2 isnt bad either. Just anything but more Key.
Personally I’m more of a Tsuruya fan than a Mikuru fan, but hey, I agree that Mikuru’s much more interesting than Yuki. Supposedly though according to the novel she takes a huge turn toward the more emotional direction so at least that should give a little more hope.
@JustDJR: I’m definitely on that bus too…
seriously we NEED more full metal panic forget the rest!