Have a Nice Dream
lol, found the Final Yamato sex scene on YouTube. It’s more tasteful than I had thought it would be. Then again, I should have figured it wouldn’t be all out porno. I guess it’s pretty progressive for its time, except not, given the scene was cut out in subsequent...
Final Yamato
So, that was the end of Yamato. I’ve pretty much seen all of it now, except for the third series, which I hear was as much of a non-event as this movie was, so whatever. I am really disapointed that the version I got didn’t have the scene in...
Comic Site Rant: Be Forever Yamato
Original Post It works just as well, if not better without text, too. A simple one this week, and there’s going to be another simple one next week. Reason being I want to focus on doing some non-comic art for a bit. fun start soon now is always neglected,...
Farewell, Space Battleship Yamato (spoilers)
This entry will have spoilers for FAREWELL SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO. But spoiling Yamato is like spoiling King Kong so no one should care....
And the epic space voyage comes to an end
…except it wasn’t that epic? Like every anime fan should once in his lifetime, I sat down and watched the highly influential Space Battleship Yamato. However, I came out rather underwhelmed. For a show that’s been remembered throughout the years as a classic, I expected a bit more. On...
Welcome to the city of the future
Comic Site Rant: I’m a dreamer/hisumo power
Original Post This comic isn’t very funny. It’s just me saying Gundam 00 will suck. Again. But the art is pretty so that makes up for it. Also, I think I’m making some kind of hamfisted point by having Ideon and original Gundam posters in the background but I’m...
Hot Anime Pics
I could not have said it better myself....