Comic Site Rant: My Baby Portable
Original Post Here is the Anime Boston con comic, which puts a lid on my Anime Boston 2008 coverage. Like last year, most of this stuff only really made sense in context, but whatever. I should also note these kinds of comics aren’t really what people said word-for-word– if...
Via pKjd I must say, this is something of a surprise. I mean, I think there were rumours going about around when the series ended, but I figured nothing would come of them. I’m quite excited, though I have no idea what it’ll be about. Let’s hope it doesn’t...
On Pretentious Fags
Despite the title of this post, I’ll try my best to not make it totally inflammatory. Pretentious fags are no newbies to anime fandom. Hell, they’ve probably been around since before Evangelion (this isn’t to say that Evangelion isn’t a brilliant show, just people approach it from the wrong...
LOL what is normal LOL
“Hey, are we really that depressing? Are we really that weird? Is it a crime to love anime or SFX movies? Why should it be a reason to set us apart? If you’re into playing tennis, that’s just fine and dandy, but if you watch anime, you’re weird? Why?!”...
Lolis in my bed
The Year in Review: My Youth in 2007
2007 was really fucking uneven. The first few months got by on the better titles that carried over from 2006, but between April and August it was something of a wasteland. I managed to get my fix for good modern anime by way of genius works such as Gurren...
Japan should be arrested for armed robbery
Seriously, fuck you Japan. I’ve given you so much money, and now you just want more?! FUCK YOU JAPAN. FUCK YOU. I also may do a PART III to :mad: but I don’t feel like it right now....
Gurren Lagann, Darker Than Black and Zero no Tsukaima
The fall season has started, and I don’t really care. Nothing starts for me until either Genshiken 2 or Kodomo no Jikan air. So instead of looking forward, I’ll reflect on three shows which have recently ended. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann I can’t really stress how awesome this ending...
Comic Site Rant: 天元突破グレンラガン!!俺達を誰だと思ってやがる?!
Original Post I used a tablet to make the backgrounds in this comic. I only just found out my school lets me borrow them for 24 hours, at the low, low price of my ID. While I’m not super good at it now, it was nice and easy to...
Nagi and Yoko
How are you liking those shoulders, Last? I am hard pressed to believe that pre-timejump Yoko is 14....