Tag: Seatbelts

MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 16– Damn good to see you again, planet earth…

Download [audio:http://mistakesofyouth.com/podcast2/MoY_2_ep_16.mp3] On July the 7th, 2009, omo, a mysterious man known only as “Alex”, and myself attended the once-in-a-century concert “Super Dimensional Tanabata Sonic” put on by Kanno Yoko and the Seatbelts. However, the podcast that was produced is mostly about the new Eva movie, and really unfocused...

Comic Update: Kali Ma Will Live Forever

Original Post In addition to spawning a blog post that is entirely too long, this whole Endless Eight business has also done well to create two comics, one which you see before you, and another of which is in the pipeline for next week. Yeah, I know I said...