Tag: NHK ni Youkoso!

A Humbert Humbert for the Twenty-First Century

“To start with, the heroines of erotic games are no more than fictional characters, drawn with two-dimensional computer graphics. In order to express innocence, purity, and femininity, there’s no personification more appropriate than a little girl, is there? We’re relaxed by the symbol of the little girl. And when...

Anime Boston 2007 Damage Report (NSFW)

Podcasts, a comic and further photos to follow (I really didn’t take many though. Seriously, no more than 10, tops.) For now, the loots. If for some reason porn offends you, don’t read further!...

Anime Review: NHK ni Youkoso!

In which wildarms tries his hand at an anime review. Let’s see how it goes. If it goes well we’ll see more, but I probably won’t review any bad shows given I only watch shows I like. This is to help my writing more than anything, but if it...