The Year in Review: My Youth in 2007
2007 was really fucking uneven. The first few months got by on the better titles that carried over from 2006, but between April and August it was something of a wasteland. I managed to get my fix for good modern anime by way of genius works such as Gurren...
it has gone according to “keikaku”
This contains some SPOILERZ for Death Note and, uh, the Godfather movies. Yeah. Posting a pic of Sayu since she is the hottest girl in Death Note. It’s not really like me to be a fan of such things, but I think Death Note is a pretty neat...
[Spoilers] Death Note Endings: Anime vs Manga
Spoilers for Death Note after the jump...
[Spoilers] Death Note anime comes to an end
Spoilers for the Death Note anime after the jump...
Death Note 25
Did Hideaki Anno just bust into Mad House for no reason crying “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT” then proceed to sit down and write, storyboard and direct Death Note episode 25? That’s probably not the case at all, as I doubt Anno is even the least bit interested...
Very Important Announcement
What’s up people?
No, I have not seen Death Note episode 20 raw. I feel watching Death Note raw would be futile, as I wouldn’t understand a thing. They talk too much. However, someone did direct my attention to the new opening, which is truly something. The first thing that came to...
A little something to kick off the holiday season
yeah i know its from death note volume 1 shut up...
“I am Yagami Light…”
“…please notice that I have the biggest head in this picture. Especially bigger than yours, Misa. Hear that, you dumb junk-slut? Your head is SMALL. Now I will proceed to EAT you all!” Yeah, I saw Death Note volume 9 while crawling around Borders and just had to pick...
Oh, that Light Yagami…
I like how he’s the only one with dramatic lighting. Also, I think Ryuk looks like Christopher Lloyd. Probably just me, though....