Category: Personal Shit

Drawing Henrietta

My word! I’ve yet to do any Gunslinger Girl fanart! This is an outrage, to be sure. I still have a ways to go, but this lineart doesn’t look totally horrible. I just looks kind of horrible. I think my main weakness is that I lack the ability to...

Adventures with my first portable music player

My awesome parents got me a neat 8GB Insignia Pilot mp3 player for Christmas, and the thing’s working great. I’ve never had the pleasure of walking around with music blaring in my ears, and now that I have I can understand why I always run into so many detached...

I wish to be a Postermon Master

Some new faces along with some familiar faces. I’m really liking the bigger posters–shame I don’t have many. It’s not like I really have room for more, anyways. I really like the mixture here. Feels nice and fresh. (I only just noticed that I have two large matsuri-centric posters...

welcome home sakura-tan

Newly acquired Sakura-tan wallscroll was stolengiven to me kindly by Seiya when I raided his house. It took me about five or so hours on and off, but I’m finally done unpacking. Tomorrow is Poster Day. Thinking of putting up more big posters, leaving slightly less room for smaller...

Comic Site Rant: It’s Cold Outside

Original Post I think I’ve squeezed all the life I’m able to squeeze out of Gundam 00 jokes at this point, especially considering that I haven’t actually watched the show. However, with the second season around, I couldn’t very well be quiet about it, and thusly this comic was...

Porter Square 11/08/08

Had my typical Wapanese night out, but I feel like blogging about it. Because this blog is now my LiveJournal. I went to Cafe Mami down at the Porter Exchange Mall with nothing but karee raisu in mind. However, when I got there, I wasn’t feeling quite hungry enough...

Random 11/08/08

Just going to post random stuff. I saw this in Tokyo Kid a few days ago. I wonder how well these are selling in the US– they’re not as good as the Japanese ones, but they’re not bad either. I didn’t check the price, but they’re probably cheaper than...

//Shinjuku-ku// Tokyo 07:16 PM

If Toonami solidified my interest in Japanese cartoons, Adult Swim nurtured and matured it. The way I found out about Adult Swim was a little strange. I came to know about it by way of my first ever DVD purchase– Outlaw Star volume 1. It was on that disc...