Comic Update: SADAME DA, EIJI!!!
You know, I’m not even going to say anything about what’s going on this fucking comic strip. I mean, it can easily just stand on its own without any explanation or commentary. But before anyone gets the wrong I idea, I did very much enjoy the first episode of SHAFT’s Dance In The Vampire Bund anime, and enjoyed the second episode even more. I’ll expand upon why I like them in a post that will hopefully materialize later on.
I’m quite happy with how the artwork turned out on this one, save for Rets’ dirty pose in the last panel, along with the fact that the background perspective may not make too much sense. If anyone who knows how to draw (Why would you be subjecting yourself to my crap if you knew how to draw?) has any tips or crits, drop ’em here. Crits are welcome for every comic, actually. That’s how you get better, after all.
Next week’s comic isn’t sketched, but with hope I can get something out. I think we’re due for another Life and Times of Akiyuki Shinbo…
Gloriously dirty! Made me laugh.
Hmmm tina says his penis is dissapointing…shit now I;’m wondering if Rets actually has two penises like Kamon did (if you have the flcl groundwork book you see what was mosaiced out in kamons nude manga scene) But then again if Rets did Tina would probably be less dissapoitned so he probably just has a shinji sized dick or something.
“it can easily just stand on its own”
Doesn’t look so :D
The second ep has the loli rubbing action but… man, Mina Tepes might be the most unattractive loli ever…
Oh, but as for criticism, Tina’s face in panel 2. Just don’t look right.
I lol’d
Sooo… Like all the other past comics which had mosaics, are we gonna get a uncensored version of this too? :D there’s nothing there, really.
Oh shit! Maybe that means Rets is actually a robot!
Hey, for what a random internet person’s opinion is worth to you, I really like your comic. The anatomy is a bit iffy at times, but it’s uncanny how well you can imitate anime coloring and shading conventions. Is there a secret behind it all, or just a lot of practice?
Disappointing indeed…
I saw this one coming from the moment there was a naked loli in a SHAFT anime.
So, yeah, I would like you all to know that I fucking called it. :D
Why is Tina still friends with Rets ?
Or their relationship is already at the next level…(a really fucked up relationship XD)
Don’t take gag comic so serious
The creation of this comic is not your finest moment.
Rets is a genderless species
>Why is Tina still friends with Rets ?
>Or their relationship is already at the next level…(a really fucked up relationship XD)
I think Rets is actually a robot that was built by Tina, thats why he has no penis. There’s probably a simulation program that fools him into believing he has one, but in reality he doesn’t. Sort of like phantom limb syndrom , but with robots.
As far as the actual first episode of Bund went, I had no prior knowledge of the material, so as I was watching it, I just assumed that this was how it was suppose to play out. So I took it as serious, and not a joke by SHAFT at all.
Needless to say I loved it and was confused by some of the hate it was getting.
2nd episode was great as well!
Vampirebund has some really really shitty anatomy. Or some really really good anatomy. Either way, Mina’s body looks as disgusting as a slaughtered pig, if that makes any sense. I’d seriously prefer Shaft to keep her clothed at all times. Not that her face was much better, though. This is definitely one show they can’t run on fanservice, despite what the manga people are saying.
>>This is definitely one show they can’t run on fanservice, despite what the manga people >>are saying.
What your forgetting is weaboos have horrible taste.