Telling you a third time, hitting the eject button.
When I told you the first time, I was being nice. However, only a fraction of people completely admitted to their wrong doings and promised never to use unsourced art again, while most of other people just thought was I was asking of them was too difficult.
So as such, when I told you the second time, I just didn’t care. You’re all fools who will never change. Troll-level gets shot to 100%, makes idiots mad. There’s lots of really good stuff in that post, but I guess if you’re a moron and get too distracted by someone calling you a moron to see it that means… you’re a moron.
Let me boil my argument down to the basics. This won’t take more than a paragraph or so.
When you are using a piece of Japanese fanart on your blog, you must forfeit all of your cultural values. You didn’t take the time to toil over that image. You must play by their rules. You must lower your head as low as possible. I don’t see what’s so difficult about humbling yourself. Is it really so hard for you, the entitled jackass who steals all of you anime, and has never once paid 6000 yen for an Japanese R2 DVD in your life. Hell, you haven’t even paid for DVDs made in your own country. Basically, you have no room to argue here, because doing so is effectively defending your thievery, which doesn’t make sense at all. I suppose the indifference to this issue comes from the fact that most anime bloggers have no creative bone in their body, and as such they don’t understand the time it takes to make a piece of art.
But beyond cultural junk, it’s just common courtesy. If you didn’t make an image, don’t use it. If do you use it, credit the shit out of it and hope you’re not pissing off some Japanese dude across the ocean. At this point people bring up screencaps and official artwork, and suggest some sort of double standard. Had you read my earlier post, you’d see that was covered. Screencaps and the like are promotional material. They are made for wide use. Magazines use them all the time without permission. It’s fine to use them.
And that’s all. I’m hitting the eject button on this. It seems that, forever and ever, anime fandom will continue to be entitled douchebags and never make any attempt to change their thieving ways. And of course, when someone calls them out on it, they get all pissy about it and refuse to believe that anything they’re doing is bad. Thanks, it’s been fun! I’m going to go blog about dakimakura covers now!
Endless Eight?
Having actually worked for magazines before, I can assure you that the only times we don’t seek permission to use screencaps is generally if A. the studio in question has a public press release page, or B. the magazine has already, in fact, purchased or explicitly asked for the right to use screenshots and other promotional material.
The latter is actually more common, from my experience, especially for the bigger studios.
I wouldn’t mind seeing this in my RSS feed every day.
5 more posts to go wah, you can do eet.
“…when I told you the second time, I just didn’t care.”
Then why’d you bother at all? Just to bump up that hit counter, right? Which is why you’re bothering to give us paeans a third post on the subject; otherwise, you would’ve “hit the eject button” two posts ago.
I made more posts because the entitled attitude of these people honestly angers me.
All this over.. an image?
I didn’t see the two follow up posts until now, but… *facepalm*
If anibloggers are “entitled douchebags and never make any attempt to change their thieving ways.” I might as well be that way. Ahoy matey! Pirating away!
So harsh.
Soooo…. To whom are these posts targeted at? x.x
OFP was the first thing I thought of before even reading the body of your blog posts.
I actually conversed some with the OFP leader back in the day to try to get a “you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar” approach, and she modified it a little from its original, more aggressive wording.
I’m going to guess that your feelings on this are driven to some degree by embarrassment by association. But for numerous reasons I don’t think there’s much chance of changing the online subculture itself. You’re probably just going to have to make it clear to your Japanese peers that you aren’t part of that subculture.
For a lot of people in your position, once you’ve reached a workable level of Japanese, I’d suggest that abandoning the English net entirely will lower your stress levels. :) (Actually, that sounds familiar…I think I may have seen a recent web comic where a character chides another for reading the American Internet.)
But in your case, with this webcomic blog, I don’t know if you want to dump your current audience and start over. Perhaps you can think of this blog and your interactions with the English subculture as more of a business venture where you deal with the local culture, but remain emotionally detached from it, and relax with your true peers separately.
Koda thinks u r teh gay, so now I do too.
If I were you, I would write a post whining about it liek u do :D:D:D:D
I was sitting at home, watching a match on tv. I had no real interest in the match but I felt like cheering for the underdogs. But then I got this feeling that wah would make a post about crediting fanart…it must just be my imagination
Since I’m a disgusting, thieving American, I have nothing to say to you.
Then why did you leave a comment?! Are you also a stupid American??
I pretty much agree, a lot of anime thievery is because some of these shows will never be out in western regions. So one way of supporting shows i by buying merchandise of the shows you love.
Stealing fan art that’s not your own is just dick move, all you have to do is acknowledge the creator and its settled it takes 5 minutes at most and if you cant find a source, use another image. If we can start respecting fan works Japanese otaku wont think we that much of thieving scumbags.
This is not elitism from wah this is fucking common decency!
Whahaha WAH. Once again clinging to your silly unreasonable standards. It’s also common courtesy to not act smugly superior whilst putting up unreasonable standards and throwing a fit when someone acts like a dick in return.
WAH you silly Japanophile.
A little disclaimer, I don’t have an animu blog (because of dumb durrrama), nor am I an Americunt who can actually buy DVDs. The only available option for me is fansubs, or sub-less overpriced Japanese DVDs. (awesome DRM those dvd regions)
WAH, I have imported R2 DVDs! Stop jumping to conclusions!
Also, you say, “The entitled attitude of -these- people”… isn’t the issue really that EVERYONE FEELS ENTITLED TO EVERYTHING? It’s not specific to the anime fandom.
/end junk post-for-the-sake-of-posting.
hahaha you gotta love otaku rage i compleetly agree with you wah theres no reason that you shouldn’t credit the artist i mean really it takes all of two seconds and why not if its good enof that you wanted to put it up on your blog you should feel obligated to do so its for the same reason i buy anime that i enjoyed on dvd i even if i dont watch it more than a few times over i ow it to the creators to suport them for makeing a good product and thats my two useless american cents
It all boils down to not crediting an artist where it is due, and you’re right in that respect, so if I’d do the same with a Western artist I should do the same with a Japanese artist. Got to get working on that…
.sg? my condolences.
go fuck yourself wah
People aren’t going to change just because we admonish them. Heck, most of the time, when people are wrong and we are “in your face” about it, their reaction will obviously be negative. Nobody likes being wrong. Even worse: nobody likes being wrong when there’s undeniable, logical evidence that they’re wrong. It’s more indignant.
And that is leaving aside the issue of entitlement.
But they will bitch, moan, complain and insult. Who are you to call them out? Who are you to tell them they’re wrong?
Well, let me tell you something. You are someone just like them. You did the same things before. But you are also an artist, which means you kinda know how that is. You’ve thought about it, and realized that if someone used your fanart for something, you’d like to know. It’d make you proud, if it was used in a good place and they told you beforehand. It’d make ME proud if someone told me they’d be using my art for something, and I’m pretty sure many amateur artists would feel the same. But if they used my art without permission, I’d be pissed. SUPER pissed.
It’s essentially a victimless situation, but what WAH wants people to do is acknowledge the artists. The artists need this acknowledgment: It puts them on the spotlight, helps them reach new audiences. It also helps create relationships and networking, for both the artist and the requester.
It goes beyond doing what’s right, or stealing or whatever: It’s also about promoting awesome art you like.
The world needs it. Promote it!
Or, WAH, if all that doesn’t work…
You could try hugging them from behind and whispering “I love you” in their ear.
I’m not really sure that unquestioningly imposing the Japanese view of things unilaterally is morally any better than taking the entitled view unilaterally. Yes, there is the view that this is about artists’ rights, but there is equally the view that this discussion is about the “superiority” of Japanese cultural values to . . . well, everyone else’s cultural values – that same attitude that led them to reflexively label foreigners “subhuman trash” over a basic misunderstanding or difference in priorities.
I’m not saying you can’t be for artists’ rights, merely noting that when you promote language like that, you’re just promoting one bias over another. The point aquamarineAngel tries to make above (admittedly poorly) is that dialogue is not served by this.
@Anatole_serial: Before you even get into right and wrong, there’s the matter of WAH’s abrasive style. I’m not saying he has to change, as it is part of what makes him WAH, but surely he realizes that it isn’t helping him get results, if making people actually do what he says is truly what he’s aiming at. It’s equally possible he just wants to create as big a controversy as possible and raise awareness, which he’s succeeded at.
@moritheil “What is morality anyway? Why don’t we all just kill each other and get it over with?”
Well, now you’re putting words in my mouth.
My point is, when WAH ranted against anime bloggers, at least he admitted he was no better. This time he’s got all the air of moral superiority.
(Though I probably don’t need to say it, as you know, in the Western paradigm, it’s inherently contradictory to use an arrogant attitude to tell people to “be more humble.” If WAH wants to do his best “elite bishounen” impression, that’s of course his affair, but inasmuch as he’s trying to tell Westerners to do something, wouldn’t it make sense to speak their language?)
5 more posts to make this an epic troll. you can do it, wah.
“Morals are arbitrarily created and subjectively defined by society, philosophy, religion, and/or individual conscience. An example of the descriptive usage could be “common conceptions of morality have changed significantly over time.” The arbitrariness of morality stems from the observation that actions that may be deemed moral in one culture in time may not be classified as such in others or in a different time. The subjectiveness of morality is shown by the observation that actions or beliefs which by themselves do not cause any harm may be by some considered immoral, e.g. marrying someone of same gender, being an atheist, etc. Descriptive morality does not explain why anything should be considered immoral, only that it may classified so. While for the most part immoral acts are classified as such because they cause harm, this is not by any means an all encompassing criterion. Many acts or beliefs are often then classified as such because of prejudice, ignorance or even hatred.” – via Wiki. Feel free to check the 500 pages of history if you want perfectly attributed credit (to someone’s IP as almost no names/user names are present).
Oh, by the way, the point of all that is to point out that what you may find morally right, does not necessarily mean that others have to/need to/do agree.