Month: July 2009

Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman

There is a reason a show with a name as memorable as Butt Attack Punisher Girl that comes with a wild enough concept to match has been lost to the passage of time. Despite setting out to be a wacky, sexual and crazy parody show, it’s strangely not at...

Comic Update: キョンくん、電話。

Original Post This is the second Endless Eight related comic I had in mind. I really like it, even if the punchline is really corny. That probably just makes it better. At first I was just going to draw them on the train in different ways, but then I...

The Great Kappa Art Exhibit

There won’t be much here, but I just thought I’d mention that I did attend the opening reception for what is apparently an annual Kappa-themed art exhibit held in Ikebukuro. I forgot my camera, so there’s no pictures, but other people have taken care of that. It goes without...

Formula for Despair

When the first installment Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei aired around two years ago, it impressed me with just how artistically and skilfully it presented dark, sarcastic humour. The second series, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, set the bar a bit higher by speeding up the pacing and cranking up the insanity,...

MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 16– Damn good to see you again, planet earth…

Download [audio:] On July the 7th, 2009, omo, a mysterious man known only as “Alex”, and myself attended the once-in-a-century concert “Super Dimensional Tanabata Sonic” put on by Kanno Yoko and the Seatbelts. However, the podcast that was produced is mostly about the new Eva movie, and really unfocused...

Comic Update: Kali Ma Will Live Forever

Original Post In addition to spawning a blog post that is entirely too long, this whole Endless Eight business has also done well to create two comics, one which you see before you, and another of which is in the pipeline for next week. Yeah, I know I said...

Don’t need to walk around in circles

After three years of lies and trickery, KyoAni’s follow-up to 2006’s smash hit Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu is finally playing on small screens all across Japan. However, there is something of a catch. Beyond the first episode of this second series, KyoAni seems to be pushing something of a...

Plastic Army–Japan Front

I know THE FIRST THING that’s coming to your mind is, “But wah, you already own that Kaede figure.” And to this quite understandable query, I will reply with this–that Kaede figure was the first PVC I ever got, and as such I didn’t know how to take care...

Comic Update: Super Driver

Original Post I’ve had this comic in my mind for months, but the only real appropriate time to post it is now. Actually, last week would have probably been better, but it’s sill been a week since the premier so it’s still fresh. At first I wasn’t going to...