Mistakes of Youth on ye olde Internet Relay Chat
Posted On April 20, 2009
Channel: #mistakesofyouth
Server: irc.synirc.net
I hate to also do a WHY I’M NOT POSTING post, but I feel I should, since I really want to post, but I still haven’t found a good way to organize my time over here. Sorry!
why synirc?
Why not?
Clearly, the man he shook hands with passed on the Secret Dakimakura Brotherhood instructions that he was to use synirc. The Brotherhood moves, and none know its motives!
there are much better networks such as rizon or highway, if u are in japan , do as the japanese irc.2ch.net
i prefer rizon, but my opinion doesn’t matter here….
People are lazy WAH, give them a quick link.
Count me in, I’m on that godawful network already for other stuff. ;3