Context would probably help this comic–lately there have been men in the US and in Canada who have been arrested for owning manga depicting underage characters in sexual situations. In the US, Chris Handley was charged with obscenity, and in Canada James Hammond was charged with owning child porn, as silly Canadian law doesn’t really differentiate between fake porn and real porn. When I saw the Hammond case, I thought my fears had finally been realized and Canadian Lolicon Brother hisnerdness (who disappeared in mid-January) had finally been arrested, but upon reading the article Hammond (as well as Handley) had been arrested because the imagery was of underage males. “Really?”, I thought. And that’s what this comic is about.
But since that wasn’t really enough to elicit a laugh in my mind, I threw in another factor–a young, not even 10-years-old, female anime fan. Yes, they exist. I’ve been around them. They are adorable, but that’s beside the point. What this comic is about is her overhearing these two men arguing, and coming to the realization that her hobby is in fact dirty, and that she herself could possibly be viewed as a sexual object in the eyes of men. Of course, a little girl crying over all of this is hilarious. Because I lack a soul.
I keep saying this is the last time, but here’s one last whinge about the doujinshi–all the orders are in, and they’ve stopped. I know I gave you all a print estimate a while ago, but the one my friend will you give you/has given you is probably more accurate. You will get a book. Just hang tight.
The Hayate no Gotoku!! OVA hit the other day, and I figure I need to at least write something about it (though I’ll probably be podcasting about it tomorrow.) This time around JC Staff is handling things, and it’s fine. I do prefer Synergy SP’s look, but JC Staff’s Zero no Tsukaima and Shana aesthetic worked well here. What bothered me somewhat was how the jokes weren’t as rapidfire as they should be. Since JC Staff was also behind Excel Saga and Puni Puni Poemy, I’m hoping they’ll bring more of that experience to the upcoming TV series. At the very least, it’ll be enjoyable, but I’m still not certain if it’ll harness the amount of energy SP managed to pack into each episode. We’ll see.
That’ll be it for this week. I recently got a tablet, which seems to be speeding up the comic process somewhat. I can’t make any promises, but hopefully I’ll be able to swing two comics a week in some time. No promises, though.
three weeks…
this comic is fantastic! it alone ups your average from mediocre to good
Hey, your art looks kind of good in this one. Some details still suck, but as a comic strip is quite nice. Keep it up.
But even though you use tablet now, your cellshading is still really angular. Is this intentional?
The comic was funny, but I kind of get a feeling that you milk your lolicon identity a bit too much lately.
BTW, you’re a Yuko Goto fan, right? Go listen to this then, if you haven’t already:
I’ll be damned if this isn’t the most epic album I’ve heard in a while. Or, quite possibly, ever.
>>But even though you use tablet now, your cellshading is still really angular. Is this intentional?
made this pre-tablet
this comic has been in the can for two weeks
Seems like a very observant 10 year old girl to me if she could comprehend all that at once. :P
I liked the conversation, and it seems as if the talk would have gone in an even more interesting direction as it went along. :P
Oh holy shit. The look on the little girls face in the last panel made me LOL. Poor kid. :P
I lold but felt bad about myself D:
This and the “Live Action Gunslinger Girls” have been the best of your recent comics. Good job, Wildarms.
“makes a you a fucking saint”
It makes a me surprised that Brad is a Italian.
where would i be without you :s
Not bad, one of the more interesting comics of late. You should do a part two, no idea where you would go with it, but it’s just an idea.
Definitely blog Hayate, I’m watching it now and it’s pretty decent. My japanese is not on par (I’ve only got a few semesters under my belt), but it’s a fun watch. Though I really want to know the explanation (if they give it) as to why Nagi was reading her manga upside down….seemed like there was a reason for it, but whatever ><
Ahh Thank god ive been able to avoid the Canadian Government for the past 3 years :D
Relieved I’m not living in America.
Comic was really funny, best one in a while.
Hahahaha this is great. I love the girl’s face in the last panel. (Also, shit–I thought I might be safe when I switched to yaoi.)
I figured I should try to get some of you guys jailed. Enjoy some “special” strike witch
Brad sure looks a lot like the younger Gendou…
Came out really well. For some reason I’m reminded of Clerks:
Reminding someone of Clerks is pretty awesome.
I like Brad, he is the character that I can relate to.
All I can say is that strangely the little girl is the only one who, well, doesn’t look strange, hah..
Although having said that the first panel has her proportions looking insanely odd.