Strike Witches Season 2, Motherfuckers
Posted On February 25, 2009
Hear that, Daryl? That shitty shit you like is still being ignored, but awesome stuff like STRIKE WITCHES is getting another season! Oh wait, I like that shitty shit Daryl likes, too. Oh well. MORE STRIKE WITCHES.
First Nogizaka Haruka, and now this! It would be great if Kure-nai got a second season as well, but given the way that ended, it’s probably best left alone. Now all we have to wait for is… Haruhi season 2!!
I’m rather glad that stuff like Strike Witches and Nogizaka are getting a second season rather than stuff that looks boring and isn’t indicative of now like Baccano! or Golgo 13.
However I’m glad to see a new Mazinger Z series.
Now if only more Lucky Star get made, I’d be in bliss.
That rumor was around for a few days, so it turns out there really is going to be a second season? Awesome.
Hopefully Gonzo does not die before this…
It’s not like anyone working at Gonzo is making anything I would be watching otherwise. The continued existence of this show deprives me of nothing.
Actually, I’m wondering if Gonzo will actually animate this. Could be someone like JC Staff, or something.
Also Daryl you don’t gotta be so serious. I’m just pokin’ fun for shits and giggles :(
I’m wondering about that too. How much will they keep from this first season? D:
I’m excited……
Why don’t we go the extra mile with this, huh?
The story of one lone teenage girl looking for revenge for the death of her father, armed with only his sword, her foot-propellor thingies, striped panties, and a gigantic, perfectly spherical Jim Kelly-style afro!
Awesome, definitely gonna watch. Though, I still need to finish the first season.
Dunno about Haruka 2. Probably gonna watch. Hold on, scratch that. I WILL watch it; the power of Nogizaka Mika compells me.
Anyone mind exlaining to me what is Haruhi’s appeal?
really, I watched the show and all an it bore me, at least I can see how peole can like other shows that I didnt like everything except Haruhi.
You probably won’t like Haruhi if you’re allergic to clever writing, or something.
he probably has a natural aversion to stellar animation and directing as well.
Wow! Even more dumb-as-shit anime for the pedophiles to wack off to!
Y’all are worse than Michael Jackson. Pathetic!
Aw hell. Who am I kidding, I know I will watch this.
>>You probably won’t like Haruhi if you’re allergic to clever writing, or something.
I don’t know how I should take this, especially coming from someone who claimed good writing for a boob anime meant that the girls were cute or something along those lines.
>>he probably has a natural aversion to stellar animation and directing as well.
Nahh, I admit it had spectacularly good animation, I know crap about direction tough, but the anime itself was still boring to the death IMHO of course :/
Haruhi is extremely well-written science fiction.
But if you don’t like it, your probably only like stuff with lots of exploding heads or something.
>>Anyone mind exlaining to me what is Haruhi’s appeal?
Tsuruya-san. It’s the fang.
Mikuru Asahina’s being groped by Haruhi.
>> I don’t know how I should take this, especially coming from someone who claimed good writing for a boob anime meant that the girls were cute or something along those lines.
Not every show has to be a psychological masterpiece and most of them aren’t even meant to be. It doesn’t mean writing is crap, it means that you have to look at it from different point of view.
And Haruhi was really well written. It doesn’t mean that you have to like it to be right, though. The whole series was really awesome, but everyone doesn’t like everything.