Comic Site Rant: SA☆SU☆GA☆DA
Posted On November 29, 2008
No rant today because I’m on break, but here are some quick notes.
- Kurogane no Linebarrels is actually enjoyable now
- So is To Aru Majutsu no Index
- Been making a fool of myself on mixi
- Gundam Musou is still mindless fun
That’s all. Going to catch up on anime today, and try my hand at Perfect Cherry Blossom.
You made an ugly Nagi, Permission to bitch about your art granted :P
Very nice comic, made me actually laugh. Also, good luck with PCB, you’ll probably need it.
Fukken lul’d at the third panel.
There’s something about this comic.. the art is very good this week. Tina looks really cute, and Rets looks really crazy in the 3rd panel. Good stuff.
Hey bro, either
A) take that nigger dick out of your mouth and come up with some actual jokes
or B) at least get the fucking quote right, goddamn.
Third panel Rets expression = epic, epic win.
Brad + Nagi + Kaede + Newtype flash = awesome comic.
Let’s browse message boards! :D:D:D
Harcore is different then Hardcore, harcore is when you have pillow girlfreinds and hallucinate loli. I still think Tina is also one of his split personalities, except she was interacting with Brad when rets wasn’t around…wait…Maybe Brad is also a split personality! Brad is what Rets sees himself doing in five years, he’s his inner middle aged guy! Wow that’s even more Harcore then I thought!
HARCORE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rock it out HARCOOOOORRREE!!!!!!!!
Captain Harcore was here!
lol’d hard at this week’s strip
You should make a “whose eyes are those eyes?” version, since 1. that’s how it was translated in the game 2. that’s how the decent fansubs are translating it 3. the overall flow is the same as the original japanese phrase.
>>You should make a “whose eyes are those eyes?” version, since 1. that’s how it was translated in the game 2. that’s how the decent fansubs are translating it 3. the overall flow is the same as the original japanese phrase.
People who get their panties in a knot over how one chooses to translate その目だれの目 have too much time on their hands. Get a job, or something.
You’ve almost got that new colouring style down. It’s really awesome. I keep telling myself that if you’d just take a figure drawing course, you’d have some of the coolest art in the webcomics I read.
Perfect Cherry Blossom rules, but I still like the tag teams in Imperishable Night better, so long as I don’t have to fight Reimu or Marisa…
Hahaha, this one gave me a good laugh. The instant I saw the title I knew it had to be about Chaos;Head, and the whole joke fits really well!
Good luck on PCB though, I always do fine on hard until I run into the Prismriver sisters, I usually survive them with only a little trouble, but by the time I get by Youmu and make it to Yuyuko, I’m usually on my last 3 lives, and with how many lives she has I don’t stand a chance. (Personally I consider it much harder than Imperishable Night)
>>People who get their panties in a knot over how one chooses to translate その目だれの目 have too much time on their hands. Get a job, or something.
There’s no は or が in there? Hrm.
But yeah, three semesters of Japanese tells me the last 目 is really only there because of grammatical reasons. Here IN AMERICA!, we can get away with “Whose eyes are those?” because our grammar allows it to happen. In Japanese, the closest you could get to that would be “その目はだれの?”, which translates to “Whose (ones) are those eyes?”
TL;DR: “Whose eyes are those eyes?” is the correct translation, if only because “Whose eyes are those?” would be a completely awkward sentence in Japanese.
Yeah, “whose eyes are those eyes” sounds way too fucking ESL for me, and English is my first language. I guess it’s just 4chan’s fault for a being a bunch of under-educated cunts.
Hey, about mixi, what did you do to provide a cellphone mail address?
I actually don’t remember having to put that in.
Are you trying to sign up on your own? Maybe that’s it. I got an invite, so, maybe I got to skip that.
Chaos;Head is okay, but Takumi is a ‘lil bitch. He reminds me of another character… I don’t remember… dammit to hell.
Great comic: Rets > Takumi FTW
I was invited too… when did you join? I’ve been told that they recently added that phone mailbox crap, probably to keep foreigners and poor people who cant afford cell phone plans out.
I joined about a year or so ago.
Very fitting reference.
Wait, Linebarrels is enjoyable now? I couldn’t help recoiling after thirty seconds of episode 6…
I think episode 6 was when I started liking it :x
I want Kaede up in your 18+ gallery. DO IT.
Since Kaede is very important I’m going to wait until I have a good enough grasp over anatomy to do her justice.
I was kind of expecting an wikipedophiria joke when hearing chaoshead…
Linebarrels enjoyability increases greatly after episode 6.
Splendid comic, this one! A direct stab at Chaos;Head.
well played.
Not bad, but not your best punchline. Chaos Head has been surprisingly amusing to watch, mostly due to it being a complete mindfuck.
Also, good luck with PCB. Hope you get past easy modo.
This comic really made my day.Takumi is really a bitch
Is this comic getting circulated on /a/ again?