ダンシングベイビーズ from 綿いっぱいの愛を! by 特撮

A few months back I was cruising the dark and shady alleys of Perfect Dark searching for music by Ohtsuki Kenji. I was really into his Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei work back then, so I wanted to see what else the man had put out. In the end, I made it out with three albums, all held tight in my dirty digital clutches. One was a disc called COME OVER TO THE DEEPEND, which was in fact not by Mr. Ohtsuki but by a band called Coaltar Of The Deepers, fronted by his buddy NARASAKI. Their stuff was pretty good (I still haven’t listened to the whole album) but I was disheartened that it was not in fact a Ohtsuki Kenji Production. The other two .ZIPs were by a band called Tokusatsu, titled NUIGURUMAA and Wata Ippai no Ai Wo.

Tokusatsu is one of the two bands that Ohtsuki Kenji was a vocalist for, so you hear him belting out lyrics in his same awesome voice over these two albums. But to be totally truthful, I was a little disappointed by these. I, as a pirate, felt like I didn’t get my $0 worth since both albums weren’t filled with potential Zetsubou Sensei openings. But I was younger then, naive. A whole three months younger.

A little while ago one of my buddies asked for my Ohtsuki Kenji stuff. I obliged, and as I was uploading the albums for him (no, they’re not on the server anymore) I was listening to their stuff again. I actually liked it a lot more. Once I pushed away my expectations, I noticed that Tokusatsu was a band with a lot range, with pieces ranging from slow jazz to hard crazy rock, to just…wacky shit.

Perhaps Ohtsuki’s other outfit, Kinniku Shoujo Tai, is more pure rock, but these two Tokusatsu albums are a good mix of stuff to just kick back and listen to. I do, of course, intend to actually buy these. Wata Ippai no Ai Wo is out of print, but you can still buy NUIGURUMAA and some of their other discs.

As a service to the good people of the internet, I’ve uploaded one of my favourite songs by them, Dancing Babies. I like to think it’s a precursor to Ohtsuki’s NHK end theme, Odoru Aka-chan Ningen.