Month: August 2008

Harsh and Fearsome Battle At Otakon 2008

Otakon 2008 was the best Otakon ever and the worst Otakon ever. It was the best in that I finally managed to pull off the magical balancing act of hanging out with all of my friends from various different communities for equal amounts of time, and it was the...

Comic Site Rant: Suddenly, Otakon

Original PostĀ  Quick notes Daryl namedrops me in OTAKU USA issue 7. Also, the article I promised for this issue was apparently held back for issue 8. New podcast. Otakon meet up is today (Friday) at 1:30pm by the coffee shop/Starbucks in the convention center. If for some reason...

MoY Podcast 2 BEYOND THE TIME: Episode 2– Hideaki Anno’s Brave New Vision (?)

Download [audio:] In this exciting episode of the MISTAKES OF YOUTH PODCAST 2 BEYOND THE TIME, Aaron Clark, Daniel (aka WELCOME TO BONERTOWN) take on the new, strange and unusual BEAST that is the new Evangelion movie! You will be moved to tears by our words, moved! Guests Aaron...

Eve No Jikan Part 1

Me being the artsy fartsy douchebag that I am, I always look forward to independent anime productions and try to get my hands on as many as possible (though, I’m kind of lame in this respect– I needs me some more indie anime.) As such, I have been looking...


Naisho No Tsubomi is some manga that got an award for being a kids comic that talked about issues like sex and “what’s going on down there” in a sensitive and educational manner. Recently, an anime adaptation was made and it was… an OVA. Now, if this was some...

Quick Gotham Knight review

I don’t give two shits about American comics or this Batman character, but I did watch The Dark Knight only because of the block-busting lines at The Uptown (it was an ok movie) and when some of my coworkers decided to screen Gotham Knight at my workplace, I figured...


More preorders from six+ months ago have come in! Alter 1/8 Mikuru Asahina Maid VersionĀ  Yet another figure of Mikuru in her oh-so-cute cultural festival outfit. This Alter version features slightly greyed out colours for a more realistic look, and lacks MaxFactory’s Neko Miki Mode option. The sculpt is...

Comic Site Rant: “I’m a 20th Century Girl”

Original Post …and with this strip, the entire comic takes place in Massachusetts. Well, I guess that was already the case when I made the characters hanging out at T Stations, but still. The location of the comic has always been a vague thing, but lately I’ve been opting...

August 2008 Anime

Current Chi’s Sweet Home: I’m almost confident that I have not seen an episode within the past month. Oh well. Code Geass R2: Feeling really Gundam Seed Destiny at this point. The stupidity is actually getting to me now. Golgo 13: …. Hidamari Sketch x365: Liking it better than...