Comic Site Rant: Suddenly, Otakon
Posted On August 8, 2008
Quick notes
- Daryl namedrops me in OTAKU USA issue 7. Also, the article I promised for this issue was apparently held back for issue 8.
- New podcast.
- Otakon meet up is today (Friday) at 1:30pm by the coffee shop/Starbucks in the convention center. If for some reason the Starbucks no longer exists just hang out by registration– they’re both in the same general area. Look for the guy with the dumb hat.
- I’ve taken the comments from last rant into consideration and will try to talk about them in my next longer comic post.
And I don’t fucking care too! ^^
I completely share Rets thoughts! Great comics man, love the joke ^^
*fap fap fap*
Lol, awesome comic. Need more crazy Rets face.
That grin at the end is best. :P
I’m not going to be able to make it to the meet-up today, but hopefully I’ll catch you tomorrow! \o
I only halfway care, but that’s only cuz i’m Chinese XD. I watch for the moe, I frown for the bastardized history
About your last comic rant, I have to point out that one of the things that made me laugh in your more recent stuff is the overdone expressions. The last panel of this comic, and the second panel of the one before it, are a couple of good examples. If you’re a shitty writer, do more of that, since at least i find it funny.
The sad part is that I’ve had that exact conversation, almost word for word, with one of my Chinese friends.
The final panel is priceless.
I’ll go ahead and second (or third, or fourth, or whatever) the last panel being awesome. That expression is one of the best things I think I’ve seen you draw.
Great meeting you. Still surprised that more people didn’t show up. Maybe I’ll see you around the con on Saturday or Sunday.
Referencing a specific series coupled with a penis joke–the best of both worlds! Everybody’s happy! <3
Cool meeting yesterday, I thought more people would show up. Great comic.
Fun meeting. I’m surprised more people didn’t show up, though. Only 6 of us total, including wildarms.
Oh, Rets, you glorious bastard. Good comic.
Ha. I actually laughed out loud at that comic. Good job.
I’ll ninja a comment before your realize… great finally meeting you dude! And sorry about not saying much once you had your recorder on; I’m trying to save myself from too much possible blackmail in the future ;)
Rets’s face in the last panel is now my MSN DP. Let’s see how everyone reacts when I link them to Mistakes of Youth.
Yo, nice meeting you at the con. It was great to actually talk for a bit. Keep up the good work with the comic!
Rets’ expression in the last panel is epic, haha.
what everyone else said about rets face
Please no more yaoi jokes. PLEASE.
That made me laugh pretty hard. The last panel was spot on.
>>Please no more yaoi jokes. PLEASE.
It’s not really a yaoi joke
>>Please no more yaoi jokes. PLEASE.
Hows about some futanari jokes instead?
>>Please no more yaoi jokes. PLEASE.
I love the yaoi jokes! :D