Posted On June 7, 2008
もっとSparking Now! 強くタフなハート
Sparking Now! 高くかざしたソウル
力の限り 目指せ1000%
When this single hit something like, what, almost two years ago? I was all over it. But, like most things on my huge anime playlist I forgot about it for newer tunes, and only rediscovered it recently because I have it set to play right after the Zettai Karen Children ending theme single. I’ve fallen in love all over again! This song is so fucking amazing in how it combines moe and hot-blooded passion all in one crazy amazing package. I mean, look at those lyrics! MOTTO SPARKING NOW! TSUYOKU TOUGH NA HEART!! Doesn’t it just make you wanna go outside and do something!? Seriously.
indeed, this is one of my all time favorite anime songs. hopefully Shaft will use it again somewhere in the new OVAs
Anyone notice how the OP/ED for the anime Shinbo directs is done by the seiyuu? The more you know.
Almost. Basically all SHAFTxShinbo things are like that, but even then the ED for Hidamari Sketch was done by not-seiyuu people.
Personally I am fond of the OP more than the ED for Zettai. I am really jonesing for it to come out. Speaking of Zettai Karen Children, I have 115megs of their doujins waiting for me. The manga is good too btw.
Well, they have a version of the op on the ed single…
Go outside? Do something? WTF?
It was pretty good song. Too bad Mahora sucked at subbing the actual series.
Hay ep 23 just came out! Only 5 more years!!
I sure hope you watched Zettai episode 9. If you didn’t, there some Nagi in it ;)