Two Years
Posted On May 15, 2008
Apparently Mistakes of Youth (the comic, not the blog) has been around for 2 years as of today. 93 comics in 2 years isn’t so bad, I guess. Gotta step it up a bit!
Apparently Mistakes of Youth (the comic, not the blog) has been around for 2 years as of today. 93 comics in 2 years isn’t so bad, I guess. Gotta step it up a bit!
Congratulations, wildarmsheero-kun! Congratulations.
Two years is wow, though. Here’s to… more?
Congrats. Always loved seeing you update a comic, plus the blog is great for…a low-grade otaku such as myself…who don’t know much about the subtleties in anime…
Yes…I fail….
Not bad – that’s just shy of weekly. Keep it up!
you missed 9 weeks, lol.
Here’s to another twenty years. You’ll be able to show your kids your comics when they hit the right age. When you find that faux lolita that’s right for you, that is. :v
It’s… it’s already been two years? I still remember the first comic as if it was yesterday xD
So when is GC’s Anniversary? www
i forget
Congrats! Let’s hope it never slows down! :3
Congrats, space beast!
And they said you’d never last… nice one!
Late, but congrats on 2 fun years. :3