Comic Site Rant: We’ll meet back here in a week
Yes, for the first time in god knows how long, I will not use the internet.
I’ll be away from internet land for a week due to a couple of reasons: 1) because it’s finals week, and this semester I actually have finals I need to study for, and 2) I’m sick of the internet in general so I figure a break would be good. I’m not totally cutting myself off, though. I’ll just be not blogging, posting on forums, or using AIM/MSN/ICQ/IRC. I’ll still download anime and check my email. I won’t be updating my stats on MyAnimeList because going on there may compel me to be social, but my stats will keep current since it does that automatically. Not sure how long this’ll last, but dammit I’ll try, and hopefully come out of it a slightly changed man.
Anyway, until next week!
The internet will surely miss you :V
Well, see you when you loose the will to continue on.
For the lack of whacky blog entertainment this week, when you come back, Tina better be stripping in that pic!
Good luck on your finals!
BTW, I really liked the picture of Tina. :3
*looking at the new comic*
I thoghut you’re a lolicon… What’s with the boobs? -.-
To wildarmsheero and to his great success in his finals.
– HF
Dammit, I see this only after you’ve left. Spotted this thread on /a/ and capped it once it was essentially dead. I love the last guy who seems to be seriously overanalyzing your comic XDDD 4th post is mine, so it means nothing.
goddammit post in spam filter. It’s important. go get it.
It’s funny how I keep on coming back every day to see if you’ve cracked. :P
Huh, he’s held out pretty long. Guess he’s really busy.
Once again, college has its down sides. Good luck on your finals, I know I’ll need it on mine…
He’ll crack, they always do.
sup guys
finals are over
update tomorrow
I have been refreshing this page like crazy waiting for this.
also, I encourage everyone to pick up the latest OTAKU USA….
Are you in it?