Comic Site Rant: LOVE JUMP
I am so very disappointed in this comic in every way. The art is lacklustre and the script is pretty… horrible. I just wanted to talk about Kaiji in some way before it finished its sub run, and do a general parody on the art style.
You know, that scenery in panel 1 is actually inspired by Clannad. Strange, right? Well, when I put digital paint to digital canvas, I just start picking out dark/grey colours, so a lot of Clannad’s spring-time happiness doesn’t really carry over. I blame the fact that it was actually raining outside while I was making this. And I just like grey-ish overcast atmospheres. Anyway, next week should be better. I hope. orz
The new season has started, but I’m still kind of in the process of putting a lid on the rather craptastic winter season. That’s mostly a case of the sub groups having to catch up, though. I have however watched one spring season show so far, and that happens to be Kure-nai. You may remember that I was looking forward to Kure-nai a while back, and thankfully episode 1 seemed pretty good. I say “seemed” because I watched it raw and couldn’t really understand what was going on past the basics. It does however have great animation, great atmosphere and an adorable little loli who is thankfully less annoying than she was in the preview. If the script is as good as everything else, then Brainsbase might have another Kamichu or Baccano! quality show on their hands. Let’s just hope they don’t pull another Innocent Venus. Oh, also, the opening is worth noting.
As far as other anime I’ve watched recently goes, I caught a bit more of Dennou Coil at MIT. The show is certainly getting a lot better as it begins to explore its mysteries, and the “filler” has become quite entertaining, too. The show has a lot of character, which I admire. Not sure if it’s rewatchable for me, but I actually do like it now. You know, I have to thank MIT for showing things like Baccano! and Dennou Coil– things I was reluctant to go and watch/finish for myself due to my own stubbornness. So yeah, good on them.
Still trudging through Shinigami no Ballad, almost a week past the set review deadline. Sorry Seven Seas, I just ain’t a fast reader, and it doesn’t help that the story I’m on I saw before in anime form. It’s not a bad book, but it’s not especially amazing either. I think I liked the first story a bit better.
Anyways, that’s it for tonight. I’m out.
Zawa zawaaah..
I can’t wait to see more Kaiji. I love its artwork too, not sure why.
Great comic (as usual).
wow bunch of grammar errors in the comic
I actually liked this comic very much. The joke on anime preferences and actual values works quite well.
That Kure-nai OP is… strange. It’s odd to see Flash animation in shows with good budgets.
I’ll watch the show for its Red Garden designs (although I liked them better in Red Garden).
Glad to see more people get what makes Kaiji so great. I’m an old time fan, so you can imagine reading your comics fills me with rage at what anime has become these days, and also a good amount of laughs (thank you!). Sometimes being an anime fan nowadays can be really tiresome. It’s like the entire fanbase has changed for the worse (if that’s even possible). In any case, Kaiji is hopefully a step back in the right direction for anime. Good plot and story is essential….unless people just want to turn anime into mindless television like TV here in the states.
but i like moe blobs :(
and fanservice :(
“The art is lacklustre and the script is pretty… horrible” – spoken like a real artist would. It’s really not bad. I thought the joke was great since I don’t know entirely why I like Kaiji either other than it’s simply interesting and good!
The last panel is made of WIN and GAR
>A good show
Only if you’re a garfag. Quite sad really. *sigh*
Kaiji’s gotten less good and more LOL since GAMBLEBOAT, which is around the time that this comic was written.
I don’t really see how it’s GAR, though. I mean… the guys just look funny, they don’t look cool or anything. Akagi’s the only Nobuyuki Fukumoto character that I’ve seen that really is GAR.
I actually like this comic.
I have no comment on the art, however the the script is about up to the standard set by the world and It gets your point across. When everything is said and done this comic series always appeared to me similar to an Japanese Animation themed rant box, which is why I frequent it and added it to my recommended web comics.