Month: March 2008

Shuffle! DVD 1, Episode 1

The first episode is as good as I remember it, which is to say it’s just that– good. See, I wasn’t completely taken with the show until they got to the episode where Kaede gets sick (SO MOE.) The first episode doesn’t really need to be much more than...

Oh God, Giant Robo

For those who haven’t seen it, there’s a taste. Me? I really need to watch this again....

Comic Site Rant: “Baby, baby, would you stop?”

Original Post I don’t know how to feel about this one. The biggest problem was that I forgot to draw Rets in panel 2, so I had to hastily sketch him in Photoshop. Though, looking at it now, I kind of like that. Tina’s face also looks too long...

Mnemosyne 2

Yuri out of the blue is quite surprising, but not unwelcome. Convoluted plots are convoluted (that or Doremi’s subs just suck.) This show has an incredibly gross guro fetish that rubs me in entirely the wrong way. Even though Rie Kugimiya isn’t playing a tsundere loli they made her...

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

Probably going to watch it on the weekend, with a fanboi review soon to follow. Maybe. Also, I don’t know who to throw the “fuck you” to, but the DVD case is a little fucked. Not like I really care, but still. And yes, my Kaede figures is leaning....

Yotsunoha– nothing happens

Three years ago Nono Nekomiya and her friends Makoto Yuuki, Iori Yuzuki and Matsuri Amachi all buried a time capsule at their old school and promised to meet back on the same day three years later. Fast forward those three years, they all meet up again, then scriptwriter/director Hiroshi...


Via pKjd I must say, this is something of a surprise. I mean, I think there were rumours going about around when the series ended, but I figured nothing would come of them. I’m quite excited, though I have no idea what it’ll be about. Let’s hope it doesn’t...

March 2008 Anime and stuff

Current Clannad: Fine. Last arc killed two birds with one stone, I guess, so now we’re on to Nagisa. Dragonaut: Yes, I’m still watching this, 21 episodes in. It’s so horrible, but it’s so bad it goes full circle and becomes good again. Ghost Hound: Each episode is well...