Thank you God Posted On January 24, 2008 By god, I mean Alter. Getting this no matter what. Source: Heisei Democracy Tags:Siesta, Zero no Tsukaima 8 Comments Koji Oe I know how you feel. January 24, 2008 Deranged I believe the same thoughts went through my head when i heard the news XD January 24, 2008 roast-beefy Yeah, I saw that yesterday and thought it was really cute. January 24, 2008 roast-beefy Also, I prefer this (nsfw) January 24, 2008 wildarmsheero I’d get that one if I saw it at a con and if I had money. January 25, 2008 Annubis Siesta =)~~ January 25, 2008 reckless But I need to know if she’s wearing stripped pantsu, that can be a deal breaker. January 25, 2008 reckless striped* January 25, 2008
I know how you feel.
I believe the same thoughts went through my head when i heard the news XD
Yeah, I saw that yesterday and thought it was really cute.
Also, I prefer this (nsfw)
I’d get that one if I saw it at a con and if I had money.
Siesta =)~~
But I need to know if she’s wearing stripped pantsu, that can be a deal breaker.