Happy Birthday, Kaede!
Posted On November 10, 2007
Actutally taken 2 days ago, because at the moment I’m in New York (well, not really, but I will be when this post goes up.) Celebrated early since I was going to be away on the 10th. We did more than eat cake :3
Oshi-, same birthday as me.
Happy birthday Kaede, my original yandere love!
Btw, nice cake, so ronery ;_;
Isn’t celebrating birthdays in advance supposed to bring bad luck?
But wait a moment… she is NOT REAL, wildarms!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I shall give her a razor.
THIS BLOG IS VIP QUALITY! キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
The cake is a lie.
We all know wildarmsheero loves “cake”
The cake is a lie.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, delious cake, i must have
Jesus mate, I wonder if your gonna end up crazy like her?
She looks like she totally cut her wrist and is covering it up like, “No one remembered! D: Oh wait. Sheero remembered. Will you cut me anyway? =’D”